
Nar-Voth (pronounced nar-VOTH) is the uppermost region of the Darklands, loosely defined as descending from the surface of Golarion to a depth of about 2,000 feet. This region consists of the uppermost of the three regions - the "wilderness" of the Darklands. Most surface explorers of the Darklands are only familiar with this region.  


Nar-Voth is primarily composed of a series of cave networks connected by lengthy twisting tunnels. For a cave network to be considered part of Nar-Voth, there must be a connection to the region of Sekamina below. Nar-Voth's cavern systems do not form a continuous network, and travel between them often requires passing through Sekamina or over the surface. Some areas of Nar-Voth, such as Reguare beneath Garund, are almost entirely isolated from the rest of the Darklands.  


Nar-Voth is populated by xulgaths, deros, hryngars, calignis, and other peoples who were surface dwellers until they were twisted by isolation or unknown energies in the depths of the Darklands.
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Related Reports (Secondary)
Inhabiting Species