
Acheron is located between lawful evil and lawful neutral in alignment and is a place where armies of the Outer Planes would come to do battle in the afterlife. The four layers (Avalas, Thuldanin, Tintibulus, and Ocanthus) each consist of huge blocks of hard black iron-like material the size of countries that float through air, joining for a time and then parting again. While blocks are touching, beings can move from one block to the next. Gravity pulls toward the center of each block.   The bladelings make their home on Archeron, and many realms throughout the upper planes align with Acheron. Acheron has been known to connect with Gruumsh's realm of Nishrak, Tempus' realm of Warrior's Rest, the Abyss, the Nine Hells, Fury's Heart and others.
Dimensional plane
Location under


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