Hades, The Gray Wastes

Hades, also known as the Gray Waste, is the plane of neutral evil, home of the daemons. The three layers of Hades are Oinos, Niflheim, and Pluton. Pluton is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Hades. The layers of Hades were called glooms for good reason; they are realms devoid of emotion, hope, and peace—grey land and grey sky throughout, with no sun, moon or seasons to break the monotony.   Here Anthraxus once ruled the daemons from his mighty fortress, the Khin-Oin. Rumors say that the Oinodaemon is no more, but no new leader of the daemons have declared themselves. Here also is the duergar realm of Hammergrim, which some say has secret connections to Dwarfhome of Mount Celestia.
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