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Collecting the Dragonlance

After the events of Bakaris's Folly, the Greenshield Regiment return to the City of Kalaman to prepare for the incoming Red Dragon Army.  


After the failure of Bakaris's Folly, the Greenshield Regiment was tasked to return back to the City of Kalaman to better prepare defenses in preparation for an impending Red Dragon Army attack. Specifically, the Greenshield Regiment was ordered by Marshal Nestra Vendri to return to Governor Calof Miat and inform him of the army bound for the city. Springing into action, the Greenshield Regiment (with the assistance of calvary horses from the city) rushed to the city. Upon reaching the city gates, the Greenshields were notified that Knights of Solamnia, specifically a Knight named Sir Caradoc and his envoy, were allowed into the city bearing a message for the council. Isaak Hermann uth Lorkin IV recognized the knight's family name as questionable, and the Regiment made haste to catch up to the envoy.  

Approaching Castle Kalaman

Since most of Kalaman's military was forward deployed to Steel Springs, the city streets were mostly barren as civilians remained inside of their home waiting for news from the front lines. With little obstacle, the Greenshield Regiment made it to the castle walls quickly. Here, they were confonted by two plate armored Knights of Solamnia, equipped with a banner of the Knights of the Rose. Upon greeting them via the customs and courtesies of the Knights, Isaak requested entrance to give the council of Kalaman the news of Bakaris's Folly. The Knights returned no response, and Isaak, true to his word, began to push past them given the time sensitive mission.  

Skirmish at the Gates

Immediately following Isaak's advance, the two Knights engaged, swinging lethal blows down from atop their horses down at the Greenshield Regiment. Reeling, the Greenshields formed a defensive line and began to whittle away at the Knights plate armor, starting by removing both of them from their horses. However, the Knights were powerful combat opponents, and began to best the Greenshields in open combat. Thinking quickly, Issak knelt and challenged the Knights to an honor-bound duel, hoping to save his fellow soldiers from further onslaught. While in a defenseless position, the Knights struck a lethal blow down towards Isaak, but were deflected thanks to the sure-firing sling of Fëandil. Combat ensued, and the Knights were bested due to ranged attacks and strategy, though the Greenshield Regiment was greatly wounded in the skirmish. Pressing forward with their mission, the Greenshields entered Castle Kalaman proper.  

Inside the Castle

Upon entering the castle, the Greenshields noted the butchery of the civilians inside the castle. Clerks, administrators, and civilians were cut down and splayed across the floors of the castle itself. Reeling from the sight, the Greenshields pushed through to the council chambers, only to find more horror within. The entire council, with the exception of a few, had been murdered in the chambers, and Sir Caradoc was standing in the center of the gore. Before the Greenshields could question him, Sir Caradoc decreed that the council members had not taken his message seriously, and thus he dispactched them. Quickly, words turned to blows as the injured Greenshield Regiment crossed swords with Sir Caradoc.   Despite Sir Caradoc's impressive combat prowess, the party was able to overcome his powerful attacks and stalwart defense. With a final blow, Isaak struck true with Seraphim's Edge, but it was discovered that Sir Caradoc was simply possessing a Knight, and upon striking the body, the spirit was separated, and Seraphim's Edge unbound itself to Isaak due to the murder he had committed. Finding another weapon, the party engaged the spirit of Sir Caradoc to little avail, but the spirit eventually fled, ending the skirmish.  

Hidden Secrets

With his dying breath, Fishmaster Oomailiq psionically connected with Fëandil and shared the location/name of a whale. Also of note, a ghostlike elven woman appeared seemingly from nowhere, telling Fëandil of secrets hidden in the base of the castle, of which Sir Caradoc was looking for. Finding a way to get a hidden door open, the Regiment returned to meet the ghostlike elf, but she had vanished. The Greenshields decided to push forward with the new information.   In the depths of Castle Kalaman, the Greenshields found an ancient tomb to a legendary Knight by the name of Zanas Sarlamir, whom Isaak recalled served under Lord Soth before the Cataclysm. Pushing through the undead of the crypt, the Greenshields finally found themselves face to face with the undead Knight, who mistook the Greenshields as forces under Lord Soth. Combat ensued, and the Greenshields were able to persevere the legendary Knight's assault. In doing so, they found an ancient storeroom containing a rusted Dragonlance. When trying to speak with the item, Fëandil remarked the item was 'sleeping'.  


With no witnessess other than the Greenshields to the massacre in the council chambers, the Greenshields were quickly turned into a scapegoat for the tragedy that befell the political leaders of the city, in most part thanks to the false rumors spread by Lord Backaris the Elder Uth Estide's son, Bakaris the Younger Uth Estide. Sensing the danger of the situation, the Greenshields acted to spin political favor away from the Bakaris family and into the hands of Marshal Nestra Vendri. With an unstable balance remaining, the Greenshields were tasked to follow a diverting Red Dragon Army force heading into the Northern Wastes, both to thwart whatever plans Lord Soth has for the City of Lost Names and to allow their infamy to settle in the city itself, beginning The Northern Wastes Campaign.
Conflict Type


Greenshield Regiment

Led by

Lord Soth's Militia

Led by


  • Greenshield Regiment (3)
Sir Caradoc 4 Knights of the Rose


  • Council of Kalaman
4 Knights of the Rose


  • Inform Governor Miat of the impending Red Dragon Army siege
  • Rescue the Council of Kalaman
  • Acquire the Dragonlance.
Decree control over the City of Kalaman (Failed)


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