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Lady At Fangrys Eyel

A woman whose life was seemingly spat out of the Abyss itself, Lady At Fangrys Eyel maintained a mysterious persona up to her final days. She and her twin sister Tres Fangrys Eyel were discovered as infants by Hav Tarya Eyel in the Underdark of Ester Fal. Their unique physiology was immediately apparent, as was the fact that they were not drow and their true parents were nowhere to be found. Hav, a widower and pariah, took the twins in as his own daughters. They lived with Hav as drow for eleven years until his death at the hands of the cult of Lolth.   After Hav's death, the twins escaped the Underdark and, after an unknown period of time, split paths. At's desire to understand the grief she felt for her father drew her to the Silent Priesthood and the The Raven Queen. She trained as an Acolyte at the Silent Monastery for fifteen years, climbing the ranks slowly and achieving the position of Sister at age 55. Showing no signs of aging but unsure how long her life would last, At took her leave of the Priesthood and became a wandering cleric for a long period of time. She would return periodically, but was disliked by many high-ranking clerics on the Silent Priesthood council due to her unpredictable and mischievous nature.   However, their dislike did not stop the Raven Queen herself from favoring her; Lady At was considered one of the most powerful clerics on the continent at the time of her death. She kept very little of herself private from her deity, but one notable exception was her relationship with Sorn Brachteysch. The two met when Sorn arrived in Cirta and At was stationed at the Raven's Descent in 2739 Dawning. Both being great appreciators of art and music, their relationship evolved from friendship to romance over a very long period of time. This relationship was kept secret from the Priesthood and the rest of the world, only known to Lady Shira Vas Otten so that Sorn could be notified of At's death. At is the namesake of Sorn's shop, the Dusk Lady.   At became Lady-in-Waiting in 2750 while abroad from Cirta. Her predecessor Lady Freya Ikksdöttr was a known eccentric, and when her choice of successor was revealed it caused a ripple of chaos within the Priesthood. When Freya died after a 23-year tenure-- one of the longest in history-- At was called back to the Raven's Descent. She steered the Priesthood in a new direction, favoring a more civilly active church structure that did more outreach into communities than was traditional. She appointed Shira vas Otten as her successor in 2756, changing her previous choice in favor of a mere Acolyte, which was another vastly unpopular decision. However, her final journey called her in 2758 and she travelled to Czyernik after briefing Shira.   In Czyernik, Lady At used Dream to call four champions to her: Abiyr Arsolum, Alden Blackwell, Katarine de Masque, and Bendin Quik'and. After securing their services as bodyguards, she led them into the mountain, which is a well-documented site of a Titan grave. Within the mine, the group encountered strange creatures made of darkness that could induce a frenzy state in other creatures, as well as the minions of Tres. The lich's experiments with the secretions of the Titan's long-dead brain tissue were a disturbing road block, but At seemed only saddened by her sister's obtrusiveness. Tres fought the party, demanding they kill At, but was unprepared for the fight and lost. At then underwent a seeding process; drawing out her memories into the brain tissue of the Titan to ensure its peaceful slumber. Over the course of this process, the party became aware that At was not a drow but a changeling. Before the last of her memories were gone, At entrusted Abiyr with her rosary and Sorn's ring, later asking Blackwell if the paladin was her son.   After the process was complete, a fatal wound on At's chest opened up and she died of blood loss and internal damage. After her death, her body crumbled away into ash.


Tres Fangrys Eyel

Twin Sister (Vital)

Towards Lady At Fangrys Eyel



Lady At Fangrys Eyel

Twin Sister (Important)

Towards Tres Fangrys Eyel



Sorn Brachteysch

Lover and Friend (Important)

Towards Lady At Fangrys Eyel



Lady At Fangrys Eyel

Lover and Friend (Important)

Towards Sorn Brachteysch



Nicknames & Petnames

The Lady playfully refers to Sorn as "Sor", and he has a multitude of epithets he uses for the Lady, mostly based on literary references.

Lady Shira Vas Otten

Successor (Vital)

Towards Lady At Fangrys Eyel



Lady At Fangrys Eyel

Predecessor (Important)

Towards Lady Shira Vas Otten




Lady At's reasons for appointing Shira as her successor were never clear to the acolyte. Lady At was always very kind, and is the reason Shira joined the Priesthood, but they were not really friends. Shira has deified Lady At in her mind somewhat, and is terrified of failing her somehow, but with no way to achieve closure.

    Sorn came to the city because he had no options left. He was a craftsman, not a farmer, fighter, or hunter, and without his clan he could not do his work. His work was all that mattered. Sorn never went anywhere without his tools or his notebook. That’s why, the first time he caught sight of the Lady, it was only a matter of locating the pencil nestled somewhere in his mane. He just never expected her to look back at him.  

    “At Fangrys,” he says warningly, “please stop laughing. I only have an hour or so to get this light.” His brushes look comically small in his massive hands, and he has paint on his elbow that he hasn’t bothered to wipe away. The Lady schools her expression back into a semblance of neutrality, but without her veil she is perpetually quirking her lips into a tantalizing little smile. She looks like she knows an amusing secret about the world that she doesn’t care to share. When they’d first met, she’d been wearing her veil, which covered all of her face but her mouth, and she’d worn the same smile then. The novelty of it never faded in the thirty years that had followed.
    Sorn molds the paint into an approximation of her face, of the twilight falling across her, and feels the bitter sting of disappointment at his skill. It would take a genius— no, a god among artists— to capture her. In frustration, he drags a hand across his forehead.
    He is an excellent painter. He can only paint and see if his love for her can bridge the gap.
    “Sor,” the Lady says, the corner of her cheek twitching with the effort of not grinning, “You’ve gotten pink on your face, dear.” The set of platinum jewelry strewn across her glitters with every breath she takes, its sapphires burning with a warm cerulean flame. “It’s quite dashing. I could get it for you.”
    “For a holy woman, you are an incredible devil,” is all he says, and her impish little smile on his is soon doubled onto his canvas. As twilight begins to slip away, he looks between the two of them: flesh, and paint, the Lady stares back at him. “Thankfully, only a few more sittings. I promise.”
    “And I know you always make good on your word,” she says, reaching up to take off the heavy sapphire earrings. He wants to hold up his hand to stop her, but they both know that as soon as she leaves this place, her veil would be pulled across his handiwork. It is ironic: she renders him completely useless. All his craft, his knowledge, his artistry: hidden away by her vestments. Only the ring, which he has repeatedly slipped into her bag or her pocket whenever she refused it.
    “Keep the ring,” he tells her again that night, taking her hand into his before she can remove it. “The whole set was made for you. You know that.”
    The Lady’s face is inscrutable behind her veil. “Sor, I can’t wear it. I may be the Lady-in-Waiting, but I never want my priestesses or the worshippers to feel as though I fancy myself above them. It’s a set for a Queen, my dear, and that’s the one thing I never wanted to be.”
    The minotaur shakes his head.
    “It’s too late, At,” he says, somber. “I’m afraid you already have at least one subject.”
    At this, she laughs. He even fancies that he can see the curve of her cheek, soft and lovely, behind the cloth.
Chaotic MILF
Current Status
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
2630 Dawning 2758 Dawning 128 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Allegedly killed in defense of Raven's Descent, wound timefrozen by the Raven Queen until her last journey to the Mind Mine of Ester Fal, where she died of blood loss and her body was turned to ash.
Tres Fangrys Eyel (Twin Sister)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark grey-purple/White
The Raven Queen
Aligned Organization

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