Clan Kolaghan Organization in Tarkir | World Anvil
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Clan Kolaghan

Wild and indomitable like their dragonlord, the Kolaghan live to test their limits. This includes proving one's strength within and without the clan. It comes as no surprise then that there is little to no formal structure within Kolaghan warbands; they fight among themselves as often as against others. Since the dragonlord rarely takes interest in the clan except to express her dominance, the Kolaghan follow other dragons from her brood. No matter what their target, the Kolaghan strike with the brutality of lightning. Their speed and volatility are represented by their symbol: the dragon's wing.   Kolaghan clan members talk of "the crave"—a kind of reckless warrior spirit that spurs them to battle. They speak of it as a nagging itch, a sense of restlessness, an irresistible need to assert their dominance. It constantly grows within them, swelling to the point of frenzy in the presence of Kolaghan's dragons. When they can no longer contain it, they rush into battle with only one goal: to spill blood.


The Kolaghan clan has little internal structure beyond the basic principle of dragons at the helm, and whatever temporary power can be seized in petty struggles for dominance. The dragonlord is a fearsome leader, using violence, cruelty, and her trademark unpredictability to keep the clan in line. Other dragons of Kolaghan's brood bolt across the landscape of Tarkir, taking prey as needed. Humanoid warriors follow individual dragons but do not have official offices or rank.   Warkites. These aggressive dragons are huge, strong, and battle-scarred. They sometimes attack in spiraling formations, building up howling winds between them, then lay waste to an enemy's position with a wave of scouring debris.   Warriors. Almost every Kolaghan warrior is a skilled fighter, but only the most fearless and unscrupulous claim the title of clasher. They often dismount and enter the fray personally, seeming to enjoy killing their foes face-to-face.   Shriek Bandits. The clan includes many goblins who steal and loot whatever armor, weapons, provisions, or magic they can get their hands or teeth on. These bandits use ear-piercing war shrieks to stun or distract foes, granting a few precious moments to grab their plunder and make their escape.   Blood-Chins. Cannibalism is not unusual among the Kolaghan, and some black-mana-aligned orcs and humans seek out humanoid flesh. They gain strength from their feasting and leave bloodstains on their chins as a warning to their enemies. Blood-chins are a fearsome sight on the dragon-patrolled wastelands.   Shamans of the Foul Tongue. Most of the clan's true spellcraft is practiced by shamans. Kolaghan shamans ride solo for long stretches, sometimes following dragons for miles and only joining other warriors at odd intervals. They weave magic in a strange occult tongue, thought to be rooted in Ugin's Draconic language but twisted with centuries of dark intent.


Blitz Tactics. Kolaghan warriors can display shrewd tactics on the battlefield, but they have no gift for managing long campaigns. Instead, they rely on swiftness to unbalance and overwhelm their foes. They often take to battle before dawn, streaking out of the hills in packs led by single dragons, slamming into unprepared flanks or unsuspecting outposts.   The push of the wind. The steppes and plateaus of Tarkir are swept by cheek-prickling, knuckle-chapping wind. Kolaghan warriors are fond of spiking banners in newly conquered lands, even if it's only a day before their enemy catches up to them. The wind turns the banners into the shape of a dragon's wing, and many followers of Kolaghan believe that the wind is the world's way of pushing them on to conquer another day.  

Clan Magic

Bolt channeling. Kolaghan dragons breathe bolts of lightning, and their presence often summons lightning storms from the sky. Kolaghan warriors exploit this chaotic power by riding directly into the lightning, absorbing it with metal rods worn like banners, and channeling it at their enemies. They do not always survive this tactic, but its suddenness can be effective. The Kolaghan employ archery less than their Mardu forebears, tending to favor lightning magic instead.   The chasm rake. When Kolaghan dragons soar through deep gullies and chasms, they often rake the rocky edges with their claws or clip them with their wings. These collisions strike sparks and leave scars on the chasm walls, creating fearsome displays that scare interlopers.   Thunder battering. The Kolaghan have a head-on philosophy of battle, dealing with obstacles by smashing directly into them. Kolaghan riders turn this into an art by weaving lightning into their mounts' gait, greatly increasing their speed and transforming them into veritable, often explosive projectiles. The roar of an oncoming Kolaghan horde sounds like a roll of thunder.

The Wings of the Dragon

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Character flag image: Kolaghan Wings by WotC


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