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The Dwarven races include the lowland or hill (Adurek), highland or mountain (Rurok), and stone (Durvalk) dwarves. Most dwarves are distrustful of outsiders and have a fierce racial pride. Whether this developed over years of isolation, or forced them into isolation in the first place, is debatable. Dwarves are skilled craftsmen, mountaineers and knowledgeable guides and trackers.

If you want to play a dwarf, simply use the dwarf game statistics in the Player’s Handbook, but with Merchant’s Tongue replacing the Common language. You can use the same statistics for each Dwarven subrace, or use the suggestions provided. For all races, the True differences lie in personality and appearance over game statistics.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Beer! Strong and Stout beer.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Family/Clan names
Angklin, Damwalk, Fermost, Gramdal, Gunterm,Kerak,Talek,Tukurz, Zarduk

Dwarves are clannish and reluctant to break a family tradition by brazenly claiming to start their own dynasty. Therefore, they have retained only a handful of family names for centuries. Similarly, they often reuse personal names, hoping that some admired quality of the original will appear in the namesake as well. Dwarves mingling among other races will choose names in Merchant’s Tongue or the local human language. Examples include Bromide Ironheart, Borli the Smith, Silverbeard the Axe, Cesium Stonecraft and Ferrous.

Female names
Agmar, Darloka, Elta, Farada, Gunor, Inafa, Kantotha, Ketda, Kombar, Kuoto, Maska, Nadel, Zedda
Male names
Adurmak, Borli, Burlom, Dargrum, Fargad, Forbarek, Fulkaft, Guruth, Klim,Kordur, Lomburd, Rorak,Tregel, Ulgrum, Urgaz  
Other names

When creating a new name, note that Dwarven does not use the letters “C,” “Q,” or “V” but does contain a single letter that sounds like “TH,” and translates this way into Merchant’s Tongue

Common Myths and Legends

The Myth of Creation

In one dwarven myth, it was The Founder who came out of the universe’s primal rock and made the other gods to serve as his companions. The other gods then made requests of the Founder on what each desired, including the physical world, the intelligent beings, and the plants and animals. The Founder agreed, and began to fill the universe with such creations. Yet, as he did so, the gods grew afraid that the Founder would fill the universe with so much matter that there would not be enough room for it all. In this story, the Founder realizes that, without his attention, the strain on the foundation of the universe would be so great as to potentially unravel his works. Thus, the universe needed caretakers. Therefore, his greatest creation was the dwarven race, made to dwell among the mountains and caverns of the world, ensuring that the weight of the world did not collapse on itself.

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