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At a Glance

Once past the poorest and simplest homes outside of the city proper (made of wattle and thatch), the rest of the houses are wooden. The city's wooden wall protects the citizens and visiting merchants from the humanoid tribes common to the Brindonwood. Due to the presence of spiders larger than elephants in those same woods, the walls are very tall and have iron spikes jutting out above them.   The people are friendly or even jocular with guests, but they are also very supportive of one another. The distance between them and any friendly city gives them a fierce independent streak. Almost everyone who lives in or around Shyta-na-Dobyo worships the Laugher and a not insignificant portion of the populace are members of the Passionate Peoplehood.  


The Order of the Passionate One is the only temple in the city. All of its senior clerics sit on the Caucus, ensuring that its monopoly stays intact, Clerics of other faiths are very welcome as long as they do not openly practice their religion or hold public ceremonies. 

Mages & Sages

Vosted the Drunken enjoys the city's wares too much to live up to his full potential. When sober, he is a brilliant and reliable maker of wands and rods. Lomburd is a boisterous and argumentative dwarven apothecary. His work is top-notch, but customers pay dearly in coin and verbal assaults on their ears. Lomburd works day and night to finish a custom job and completes such work in half the time of another apothecary. 


In this haven of The Laugher, the thieves' guild is surprisingly active and violent. Most activities begin with a vintner wishing ill luck on one of his rivals in a public place and then leaving behind a gift for a prospective rogue. The thieves harass workers, sabotage hidden stores, poison crops, and tip off bandits to the passage of caravans.


Wine town began as a primitive Dejy settlement where the peaceful hunters and fishermen gathered the naturally abundant grapes and berries to make wine. After Kruk-Ma-Kali crushed the Eastern Brandobian Empire, Brandobian refugees fled here, joining earlier settlers who had found the Dejy most accommodating. They gave the city its current name, from the Dejy tongue for "City of Wine." Over time, the Brandobian culture predominated, reducing the Dejy influence to place-names, a few holidays, and an accent foreign to other Brandobians.   A Caucus consisting of vintners and clerics rules Shytana-Dobyo. The Passionate Peoplehood appoints wine merchants, vintners, and clerics to the caucus. Its number varies because appointments and dismissals are conducted at the whim of the  assionate Ones. Normally between seven and nine Caucus members run the city. By law, they must follow the teachings of the Passionate One. Their main focus is to keep the wine production healthy and to ensure smooth trade with the rest of the world. They brutally suppress any action that causes harm to the wine trade.   One of the caucus's duties is the dispensation of justice. The Caucus acts as judge and jury for all criminal and civil proceedings. Decisions are made quickly, the average trial lasting only a matter of minutes. The Caucus members hear both sides and then make a judgment based on their gut feelings. Caucus members are usually drunk and their decisions may be swayed by bribes.


Moridia Whitesteel commands the mercenary group Thorn of the Vine. Originally named the Crimson Masks and given to brigandage, Moridia offered her services to the Caucus in 565 I.R. She hopes to make the commission permanent, and her change of the band's name is her assurance to the Caucus that she is committed to the city's safety. She commands a dozen rangers and scouts and nearly 50 light infantry.   Aside from the Thorn, the city has no standing army or navy. The Caucus chooses to rely on the utter decadence of the city and the strategic worthlessness of the surrounding forest to deter invaders.

Industry & Trade

Naturally, the exportation of the best wine in the world is the main source of revenue for Shyta-na-Dobyo. Barrels of drink travel overland through the Brindonwood, risking orcish attacks and dangerous monsters in order to get to lucrative markets in P'Bapar or the headwaters of the Renador River, where it travels into the Elos Bay and to the rest of the world.   Besides the wine, the city produces corollary products including casks, wagons, and carts. They also export quantities of fish and lumber (mainly oak and fir). Most of the lumber goes south, while the fish goes west. Glass jars of roe are becoming the new favorite export. A desperate halfling fisherman recently sold a cart of jarred roe for 10,000 gold pieces in Bet Regor and yammered about it for weeks.

Points of interest

The vineyards stretch for miles to the west and south of the city. Well-armed and well-paid guards protect the workers From monsters and from "civilized" threats with swords, crossbows, and spears. High fences or hedges typically protect these vineyards and trespassers risk beatings, imprisonment and even death.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Celebration, City of Wine
17,000 Dejy and mixed Dejy/Brandobian heritage. A touch of Kalamaran blood is also noticeable. Dwarves and elves live in the city in small numbers, and many halflings live outside of it under its law.
Location under

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