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At a Glance

Six gates break the chick scone wall around the city, leading ro numerous villages in the Arajyd Hills, the city-state of Dynaj, ease into the Khydoban Desert and north to the Wild Lands. Roads from the gates lead inward to a large common area and a huge marker in che center of rhc cicy. The Church of the Silver Mist oversees chis activicy from a magnificent domed srrucrnre.



The current Keeper of the Mist, an old man named Rozhan, rarely makes public appearances anymore. He is famous for requesting (and receiving) a special high level spell beyond his normal capabilities that allowed him to remove fear for 24 hours in those he touched. A quick trip through the marker allowed him co bestow this protection on thousands of folks who slept peacefully char night, thereby thwarting his arch-enemies, the Temple or Sleepless Nighcs. Now, Kirsan the Mist Walker manages the logiscical needs and daily business of rhe temple in place of the ancient Rozhan.

Kirsan has been hiring mercenaries and adventurers to both protect against and raid che Temple of Sleepless Nights.

The Assembly of Light is a large stone building near the center of Thygasha. lrs rwo-story walls encompass a large open air courryard where che Order of Light holds services. The rector of the Cathedral is an elderly man named Khali who holds the rank orTorch within the Order of Light. The lesser members of the Order oversee the organization of the local Dark Wacch, a night warch char assists rhe Prince's troops wich nighttime law enforcement.

The Temple of Sleepless Nights, led by a Reanaarian named Xaanu, claims to have discovered che secrets of the sands. They say their temple was founded by the Dejy Jyjan. Jyjan's Day (the 14th of Renewal) is an official ciry holiday, and local legend seems to bear the claim our. Xaanu is presently trying ro use the claim to gain a monopoly on rhe use and sale of the Silver Sand. The Temple itself 1s hidden by powerful illusions.

The ciry also boasts temples to the l nevirable Order of Time (led by Prophet Farad), a roken following of the Rorlord, and an outdoors shrine 10 the Traveler rhar ts frequenrcd primarily by desert nomads. Mose ocher religions have a minor shrine or alrar dedicated somewhere in or near rhe metropolis.

Mages & Sages

Thygasha has seen che recenr creation of a new kind of sorcerer, one who draws his power from his dreams. This school of magic is being pioneered by Dvisrasi or Vhocr, who claims to have learned spells in his sleep. He also claims char a night of pleasant dreams makes his spells more powerful ( + 1 to DCs against spells he cases at ochers), while nightmares reduce their strength (-1 DC on his spells).

Baarat the Sage lives in a nondescript home within Old Town and creates maps of the area for sceep fees. Shagra che Seer looks like a bad side show, bur she is actually a sage who specializes in Thygashan history, culture, and dreaming.


Thugs of any race might find work in che service of one of the reuding temples. Those of proper inclination might also serve as assassins or legbreakcrs for one of rhree crimclords in the ciry. The chieves' guild is nominally operated by these three working in concerc. In reality, they use it as a recruiting house for their own activities. Several con men work che marker as well. Scams include planting gilt coins on strangers and accusing chem of fraud or selling sickly camels that appear healthy because of minor illusions.


The people are mainly Dejy, with a little Reanaarian blood mixed in. A handful of Fhokki from up north and a few Reanaariam relocated from across the Bay also call Thygasha home. Few pure Reanaarians live here.


Prince Shyja, a descendanr of the original Dejy leader who founded the cicy, clearly shows his herirage. The prince often leads parades clad in desert garb and showing off his impressive riding skill. While nor historically rrue (the Reanaarians brought the horses to Thygasha, not the Dejy), the folk of Thygasha love these shows and pacriocism runs high during the parades.

The Prince has had bad luck with his appointees (they keep getting inco scandals or being killed by the scoundrels chey associate wich), bur his personal skill at finances is admirable. Thus far, it has helped che city through the lase few years, when corrupt governmenr officials threatened co scare away foreign merchanrs with rhcir demands for bribes and their chreacs. Despite his knowledge and shrewd business acumen, his weakness for Shyca wine and fine horses sometimes clouds his judgement during deals. Anyone negociacing with che Prince would be wise co bring gifts of one or borh.


The ciry maintains a standing army of 350 infantry (studded learher, spears, and composite bows), and 350 light cavalry (leather armor, shield, and lance). The cavalry screens the city by making regular parrots around rhe roughly 150-mile perimeter of rhe city's influence, while the footmen sray in or near rhe ciry walls.


The cavalry commander is Counr Dashy, a handsome young Dejy known among his warriors for a lightning fasc blade (actually a scimitar of speed) and among rhc rural maidens for his irresistible smile. Among the kobolds in rhc eastern Arajyd Hills, Dashy 1s known as the "Spear of Thaajgaak," ever since a kobold bard once saw four of his squirming companions impaled on the end of rhe count's spear.

Industry & Trade

Countless shepherds and farmers inhabit the surrounding lands under Prince Shyja's control. They provide rhe cicy's residenrs with food and wool. While exported textiles are fair, the precious Silver Sand is the city's mainstay. Aside from an assortment of religions cha consider rhe substance sacred or holy, sorcerers, philosophers, sages and the affiuent purchase it. The Silver Sands sell consistently throughout the Bay area and through Zoa to the rest of the world.

Thygasha also has numerous taverns, inns, restaurants, guides, and other accoutrements of a tourist site. These businesses thrive on the hundreds of pilgrims and others who visir the city each year.

Points of interest

Several abandoned and haunted mines, farms and homesteads exist in the area. These places typically carry legends of unspeakable terrors or monsters, each scarier chan the next. No trouble seems to come of chem and most Thygashans 9uestion the veracity of the rumors; parenrs of misbehaving children typically use srories of these areas co scare their children into proper behavior.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Hope, City of Dreams
Large city
35,600 humans with few demihumans.
Location under