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At a Glance

Castle Geana is one of the crafted marvels of Tellene. The massive stone castle is built of marble blocks that weigh up to thirty tons each. Furthermore, the striations in the stones match their neighbors, and the stones are magically or skillfully placed so closely together that it appears to have been carved from a single block. The entryway, itself a masterpiece unrivaled by men, is a testament to the skill of the stone giant artisans that made it. An arch 24 feet high, with intricate carvings of many natural animals and monsters–but no humans or humanoids–towers over visitors.

Other than the castle, most buildings are of light-colored or whitewashed wood. The people are friendly and welcome strangers, although they prefer that those who wish to trade do so at Loona, the dockside town of 2,200 through which all of Geanavue’s trade moves.


The city is under the near-total influence of the House of Solace. Its High Peace Maker, a dwarf named Khazuk, advocates total peace, even at the expense of one’s own life. This philosophy epitomizes the Pacifist sect’s view. The dwarf has done much work for the city and since his goals closely coincide with Lord Haar’s, Khazuk has become quite important in the city.

On the other hand, his influence has resulted in a conversion of many of the Dwarves that used to make up the infantry arm of the military; the number has halved in the past few years alone. An increase in the number of crossbowmen has helped to compensate, but the two troop types serve different purposes, and the countryside is beginning to feel the loss as the fire giants wander more freely.

The churches in Geanavue, roughly in descending order of influence are: The Peacemaker, The Holy Mother, The Speaker of the Word, The Founder, The Landlord, The Raiser, The Traveler, The Bear, The Raconteur, The Corrupter, The Emperor of Scorn, The Unseen One/Seller of Souls, The Vicelord, The Overlord, The Harvester of Souls, The Confuser of Ways /Imposter, Risk, The Imposter [Jamie LaFountain: Former Kenzer & Co. employee]

Mages & Sages

The city has few wizards. Jandy, a female Gnome con artist, sometimes distributes some fool’s gold or sells magical items imbued with minor enchantments at outrageous prices. She has an outstanding reward (100 gold pieces) and posters paper the city, but nobody really ever knows what she looks like, so the posters do no good.


Rogues looking for an easy mark often hope that Geanavue is the place to be. The city’s reputation for pacifism is wellknown, and thieves hope that the feeling extends to the law enforcement arm as well.

They are wrong.

The police are eager to keep the peace and they are quite proactive. They do not hesitate to approach strangers and introduce themselves, then offer a quiet warning about which taverns to avoid, or which merchants might try to rip off the newcomers. Constables are armed only with stout clubs, but they wear cloth armor and travel in patrols of six to ten, so they do not fear a lone thief or even a small gang.

With the thieves and the constables both so eager, crime is omnipresent, but on a low scale. A character might have his pocket picked, but the thief will not be back again, and the character is probably safe for the duration of his stay (unless it is an extended one).


A thorough mixture of humans, Dwarves, gnomes, and half-elves, in that order. The people are Reanaarians, although some of the dwarves have come from as far away as Kalamar and the Young Kingdoms. A few of the dwarves are refugees from Irontop.


Lord Haar of the House of Geana rules the city, as he has done since Y.N.D. 716 (535 I.R.). Lord Haar’s son Mearo has been sent to Zoa as an ambassador to negotiate lower port taxes. When he returns, Haar intends to have his son study law with a private tutor for a year or two; then he intends to abdicate. Lord Haar is over 60 and is more than ready to retire as long as no major evil threatens his citystate. While the city is not large, dozens of villages look to Haar and Geanavue as role models, and Haar is not about to let his son assume the reins of power until he is ready.


The military of Geanavue includes just under 300 sturdy gnomish crossbowmen in leather cuirasses, mounted humans and half-elves armed with spear and longbow, and 40 dwarven footmen with chainmail, axe, and shield. They share duties with a band of eight to ten earth giants (seemingly made of stone!), armed only with throwing boulders and stone clubs. The giant chieftain, called Poat by the people of Geanavue, is also a devout follower of The Bear and has gained many converts among the area’s gnomes.

Principal enemies include fire giants from the Sotai Gagalia Headlands and a recent rash of attendant creatures - salamanders, especially. The dwarves from the region bring back stories of a hydra, or possibly even a primordial hydra, that has taken up residence in one of the mountains. Rumor says that an efreet lord named Sultar has joined the fire giants into an alliance of over 300 strong by promising revenge against Kalamar for Kabori’s traitorous actions at Kadir Ridge.

Industry & Trade

The economy bustles to the tune of hammers, chisels, and sanding papers. Giants from the Counais, dwarves, and gnomes make items of basalt, marble, obsidian, jet, and small semi-precious stones such as malachite, beryl, and tourmaline. The locals raise sheep, goats and pigs for food and clothing; their surplus provides the giants with the same. Additionally, Geanavue is one of the few places on Tellene where prospective buyers may find clocks or devices operated by clockwork.

Points of interest

Besides large-scale construction and artistically rendered stonework, the city has a reputation for fine clockwork devices. Amidst all the stone stands a five-story wooden tower (rising from a stone base, of course). The uppermost story of the tower contains a giant clock on all four faces. The clock tower, while it advertises the skills of the Engineers’ Guild, belongs to a Wizard named Feseera Lorot. Feseera is also known for his skunk familiar and the fireworks shows he displays on Arrival Day (the 6th of Mustering, a holiday that celebrates the first sighting of the Bay by explorers crossing the Ka’Asas).
Alternative Name(s)
The Stones of Peace
Location under