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Topographie de la Baie de Réanaarie


  Fautee Forest: This small woodland covers the lower reaches of the Faunee Rise and extends into the peninsula below. The trees near the coastal plain are extensively harvested for shipbuilding, but the portion of the forest covering the hills remains untouched. Obakasek Jungle: See Kalamar Rokk Woods: See the Wild Lands


  Counai Heights: The range of mountains lying between the Vrykarrs and Ka'Asas is known as the Counai Heights. This area is quite dangerous as the native giant population has been augmented by an influx of kindred giants from the Ka'Asa Mountain range following the occupation of the southern peaks by the forces of Kalamar. The affront to giantkind encountered in the Battle of Kadir Ridge has galvanized the disparate factions into a far more deadly coalition. Giants encountered will be in far larger numbers than usual and many have recently augmented their arms and armor. Ka'Asa Mountains: See Kalamar Lopoliri Mountains: See Kalamar P'Rorul Peaks: See Kalmar Vrykarr Mountains: See the Wild Lands


  Nanakary Forest: The heart of the gnomish Confederacy of Nissen lies within this forest. Nissen consists of numerous gnomish and halfling communities that have banded together in a confederacy for their common good. Since its inception, the coalition force has succeeded in driving a kobold menace from the area, as well as in building serviceable roads that have fostered trade. Confederate villages stretch from Reanaaria Bay on the west to the western Arajyd Hills on the east, though the small communities control little beyond their municipal borders. No permanent capital exists; instead, each village serves in this capacity for one decade then relinquishes the honor to the next village. A permanent levy exists to supplement the villages near the Arajyd Hills, but this is the extent of any organized militia. In dire times, the whole citizenry can be rallied into action, and woe to the overconfident invader! Though not adverse to human contact, the clannish demi-humans prefer their own kind. The integrated village of Naaraje has a few piers at which smaller vessels can dock, but its human inhabitants are the only ones likely to use them. Narrajy Forest: See the Wild Lands Arajyd Hills: These dun-colored hills mark the northwestern boundary of the Khydoban Desert and serve to keep the desert's expansion in check. Kobolds exist in numbers along the drier eastern slopes, driven there by the stronger gnomish clans that inhabit the western side of this range. Faunee Rise: The hills nestled on the eastern slope of the Ka'Asa Mountains are known as the Faunee Rise. They form the backbone of the Fautee Peninsula and are partially covered by the scrubby firs of the Fautee Forest. A large dwarven population has settled in these hills after being driven out of their homeland in the Ka'Asa Mountains. They have had a dramatic impact on the economy of the entire Reanaaria Bay area. Their sole purpose is to retake their mountain home, and they have been working tirelessly to achieve this goal. In their desperation to raise hard currency, they have taken to fabricating any and all types of metal wares and selling their superior goods at below marker prices. They are also building a vast armory for the warfare ahead. Most smithies in the region have closed as everyone now buys from the dwarves. Keenoa Tors: The hills north of the Faunee Rise are known as the Keenoa Tors. These high rocky hills are difficult to traverse and contain many perfect ambush spots. Because of this, many bandits ply their trade along the north-south trade route that passes through these hills. The nearby villages heavily patrol this road, but the many hiding places just off the main trail make it virtually impossible to ferret out the highwaymen. Masau Hills: These gentle, rolling hills slope down to the west coast of Reanaaria Bay. While reputedly rich in gemstones, few are brave enough to travel here. Blanketed completely by the Obakasek Jungle, cannibalistic humanoid savages call these mounds home. Except for their height, they are similar in most respects to the Lopoliri Mountains.   Neebau Cliffs: This narrow band of sharp, craggy hills marks the eastern terminus of the P'Rorul Peaks. These hills are rich in both metals and minerals. A few small bands of human, dwarven and gnomish miners work the northern areas, while several orcish tribes runnel in the southern reaches. Although there is often friction between the various groups, there have been no large battles. The ores have built several crude villages on the coast and some brave merchants have been known to trade there. However, most right-thinking folk still consider the ores dangerous and do not travel south of Zoa by land. Sotai Gagalia Headlands: This narrow band of hills lies between the Counai Heights and the western shoreline of Reanaaria Bay. Many gnomes and a few stone giants dwell in the southernmost reaches of these hills. Unfortunately for the gnomes, large bands of fire giants recently began hunting in these parts. Despite the dangers, many travelers come to the Sotais because the upper reaches are home to the famous Uursu Springs. Uursu Springs: Rich in minerals, these natural hot springs located in the Sotai Gagalia Headlands are said to have curative powers. People travel from as far as Eldor to soak in these pools. Vry Naasu Headlands: These barren rocky cliffs line the northwestern shores of Reanaaria Bay and run south seventy-five leagues from the Rokk Woods. The hillmen are an exceptionally hearty lot for these windswept hills are subject to both harsh weather and sudden onslaughts of raiding giants from the mountains above.  


  Khydoban Desert: This sandy, dune-filled desert expanse marks the eastern edge of the continent. A few hearty tribes of humans can be found dwelling in the few scattered oases within these wastes. Ramataj Rock: Standing some 1,600 feet high and having a circumference of almost eight miles, this massive red sandstone formation can be seen from a distance of more than 65 miles away. Casting long shadows on the red sands of the Khydoban Desert, Ramataj Rock dominates the surrounding landscape. There are numerous caves that pockmark the surface of this monolith. Many of the caves are located near or at the base of the rock. The walls of these caves are decorated with pictographs and wall paintings of the Dejy nomads who inhabit the desert plains. Having used the caves of Ramataj Rock as shelters from the heat of the sun and desert storms for ages, the murals tell the history and beliefs of the desert nomads. City of the Dead: Deep within the Khydoban Desert is a deserted, rundown city, whose uppermost spires are briefly seen from rime CO time above the sand dunes. Rumor has it that the long dead residents still inhabit their city.  


  Reanaaria Bay: This long and extremely deep bay runs along the eastern edge of the Ka'Asa-Vrykarr mountain range. Within its depths dwell gargantuan sea creatures of malicious disposition. Despite the danger, shipping is prevalent. Merchants typically travel along the coastline, but jaunts across the Bay are not uncommon. Because of the commerce many pirates ply these waters. Xaaboemio Sea: The Xaaboemio Sea, also known as "Sea of the Dead," is a turbulent ocean, just south of the Khydoban Desert. Within these waters, huge 100-foot wide whirlpools form, seemingly at random. Skilled sailors claim they can use these vortexes to their advantage in propelling their ships around the Obakasek Peninsula. However, wiser seafarers steer clear of this sea because its waters claim many careless mariners. Thus, most sailors risk the dangers of the Obakasek coast rather than venture out into the Sea of the Dead. The Sea did not receive its name because of the giant whirlpools. Ghost ships, fully manned by undead crews, are said to sail these waters after dark. These tales gave this ocean its macabre name. Although these stories are unsubstantiated, superstitious sailors and pirates fear to enter these waters.
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