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The Ages of Telluria

The Age of Water

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In the beginning, there were only the primordial waters enveloping Telluria, quietly nurturing the seeds of life.

  • Year 1 through Year 1,500 of the Age of Earth
    The Emergence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During the first 1,500 years of the Age of Earth, the various races of the world began to emerge. In Primoria, the belief has long been that the various races were created by the All-Source, though recently the Church of Gond has begun to teach that Gond formed the races from different metals and minerals. Traditionally, it was believed that the lesser deities, The Timeless Ones, were given life before any other flora, fauna, or humanoid race came to be, and that they prepared the way for them.

  • Year 1,623 of the Age of Earth
    The Nomadic Tribes Form
    Cultural event

    The Nomadic Tribes came to be during this time; they split into racial and family groups and began to claim territories and establish specialties while exploring the continent. Legend holds that they were aided by Norok, who guided each of the tribes to the regions that would best accommodate their differing capabilities, constitutions, and skills. It is because of his guidance that the surviving Nomadic Tribes still revere Norok to this day.

  • Year 2,112 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Uklon

    After the Nomadic Tribes established themselves, Norok counseled them to always remember their shared history, so that their differences might never sunder their relationships with one another. Following this decree, the Tribes established the seasonal and holy settlement of Uklon, where they would forevermore gather each year to reconnect and rekindle their kinship.

  • Year 8,351 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Old Erytheia

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements was Old Erytheia, which would become the largest city on the Primorian continent for many centuries.

    Old Erytheia
  • Year 8,401 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Penrose

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Penrose, which would become a cultural hub.

  • Year 8,456 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Surassa

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. Surassa was the second such city built in the south of Primoria and it still stands to this day, with an astounding amount of original architecture thanks to its remote and difficult-to-reach location in the heart of the Surassan Jungle.

  • Year 8,498 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Grimvale

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Grimvale.

  • Year 8,503 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Galena

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the south, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The fourth of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Galena.

  • Year 8,506 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Mandir
    Religious event

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these cities was Mandir, located in the Forests of Pando.

  • Aadas, 26th of Rain's Hand, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Destruction of Old Erytheia
    Disaster / Destruction

    Old Erytheia, the original seat of the Circle of Stars, was destroyed during the Battle of the Dunes.

    Old Erytheia
  • Norodas, 25th of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of the City of Rambergam

    The last of the great southern cities to be constructed was Rambergam, located in the Ridgefell Mountains. It was hewn from the living rock by Prehnite druids as a safe haven after The Battle of the Dunes and during the War of Bloody Shores.

  • Grahmindas, 2nd of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Bloody Shores
    Military: War

    Only three months after the devastating Battle of the Dunes, a fleet of ships from Penrose and Grimvale sailed down opposite coasts, with the western fleet again making landfall south of Old Erytheia -- now abandoned -- and the eastern fleet landing at the mouths of the Calcelon and Sura rivers.
      Troops in the west laid waste to the village of Helmvere, which was largely a refugee camp filled with Old Erytheians who had fled the Battle of the Dunes. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to take the settlement of Drodkur, and made their way towards Uklon, where they were soundly defeated by the Convened Nomadic Tribes and were forced to retreat.
      The eastern troops attempted to penetrate the Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle, but the environments proved too treacherous and their inhabitants too determined to overcome. While the small settlement of Belia was destroyed, the cities of Mandir and Surassa were never invaded and the surviving troops retreated to their ships.
      As they departed, the troops which had landed at the mouth of the Sura River sailed west rather than east, and as a final, spiteful blow, decimated Shul's Temple on the Isle of Shul. Oral tradition in Prehn and historical records in Chalcedon both say that, in his rage at the deaths of his priesthood and the decimation of the temple and village built in his name, Shul unleashed his fury and caused the volcano, dormant since the Age of Fire, to erupt, turning the invaders' bodies to stone.
      Legend in Prehn holds that the Isle of Shul is still littered with the petrified remains of the invaders, as well as their spirits -- none venture there.

  • Norodas, 11th of Sun's Height, Year 10,549 of the Age of Earth
    The Assault of Rambergam
    Military: War

    Attempting an overland incursion, forces from the North laid siege to the mountain stronghold of Rambergam. For nearly a month they battered against the city gates, but couldn't break through, and eventually retreated.

  • Shuldas, 14th of Second Seed, Year 10,551 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Broken Mountains
    Military: War

    Intent to control the Southern region, the Northern cities amassed their strength and launched a full-scale invasion, landing ships at the mouth of every river and sending thousands of troops inland.
      The Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle were set alight and the cities of Mandir and Surassa were finally breached.
      The reconstructed city of Erytheia was invaded once again, though its inhabitants had not forgotten their hard-learned lessons and offered much greater resistance than during the War of Bloody Shores.
      The invasion was strategically planned during the time of year when the Nomadic Tribes were scattered, so they could not pose a united front as they had once before, and the stronghold of Uklon was defaced.
      Only the city of Rambergam was unbreached, as well as a few remote nomadic settlements in the Mirewood Swamps.
      The people of the South would not be defeated, however, and while the Northerners had the advantage of technology, they had lost their connection to the natural world -- which the Southerners used against them to great effect.
      The land itself rose up against the invaders as druids from a myriad of circles, accompanied by rangers and tribespeople, clerics and paladins of the Timeless Ones, and all manner of Southerners summoned the powers of the land and slowly beat back the Northern aggressors.
      After the war, the Northerners accepted that they could not overpower the people of the South, but once again made one final, devastating blow.
      In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      It was after this cataclysmic event, seen as the greatest blasphemy by those living in the South, that any remaining relations between the two regions were ended, and the separate nation-states of Chalcedon and Prehn were formed.

  • Mondas, 10th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    Raising of the Floating Isles & Founding of Minster

    In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      The Chalcedonians attributed the miracle to a new deity, Gond, a god of innovation that had "helped Chalcedon rise to the heavens." Faith in Gond has since spread rapidly across the North and it has become the state religion.

  • Tirdas, 15th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    The Dividing of the Continent
    Political event

    Following the War of Broken Mountains, the Northern and Southern regions formally separated and became Chalcedon and Prehn.

The Age of Fire

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The waters of the world boiled with the heat of primordial fire which birthed land and rock where once there was only sea. The violence of this age launched a part of Telluria into the heavens, and the moon Chandra was born.

  • Year 1 through Year 1,500 of the Age of Earth
    The Emergence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During the first 1,500 years of the Age of Earth, the various races of the world began to emerge. In Primoria, the belief has long been that the various races were created by the All-Source, though recently the Church of Gond has begun to teach that Gond formed the races from different metals and minerals. Traditionally, it was believed that the lesser deities, The Timeless Ones, were given life before any other flora, fauna, or humanoid race came to be, and that they prepared the way for them.

  • Year 1,623 of the Age of Earth
    The Nomadic Tribes Form
    Cultural event

    The Nomadic Tribes came to be during this time; they split into racial and family groups and began to claim territories and establish specialties while exploring the continent. Legend holds that they were aided by Norok, who guided each of the tribes to the regions that would best accommodate their differing capabilities, constitutions, and skills. It is because of his guidance that the surviving Nomadic Tribes still revere Norok to this day.

  • Year 2,112 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Uklon

    After the Nomadic Tribes established themselves, Norok counseled them to always remember their shared history, so that their differences might never sunder their relationships with one another. Following this decree, the Tribes established the seasonal and holy settlement of Uklon, where they would forevermore gather each year to reconnect and rekindle their kinship.

  • Year 8,351 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Old Erytheia

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements was Old Erytheia, which would become the largest city on the Primorian continent for many centuries.

    Old Erytheia
  • Year 8,401 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Penrose

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Penrose, which would become a cultural hub.

  • Year 8,456 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Surassa

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. Surassa was the second such city built in the south of Primoria and it still stands to this day, with an astounding amount of original architecture thanks to its remote and difficult-to-reach location in the heart of the Surassan Jungle.

  • Year 8,498 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Grimvale

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Grimvale.

  • Year 8,503 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Galena

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the south, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The fourth of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Galena.

  • Year 8,506 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Mandir
    Religious event

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these cities was Mandir, located in the Forests of Pando.

  • Aadas, 26th of Rain's Hand, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Destruction of Old Erytheia
    Disaster / Destruction

    Old Erytheia, the original seat of the Circle of Stars, was destroyed during the Battle of the Dunes.

    Old Erytheia
  • Norodas, 25th of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of the City of Rambergam

    The last of the great southern cities to be constructed was Rambergam, located in the Ridgefell Mountains. It was hewn from the living rock by Prehnite druids as a safe haven after The Battle of the Dunes and during the War of Bloody Shores.

  • Grahmindas, 2nd of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Bloody Shores
    Military: War

    Only three months after the devastating Battle of the Dunes, a fleet of ships from Penrose and Grimvale sailed down opposite coasts, with the western fleet again making landfall south of Old Erytheia -- now abandoned -- and the eastern fleet landing at the mouths of the Calcelon and Sura rivers.
      Troops in the west laid waste to the village of Helmvere, which was largely a refugee camp filled with Old Erytheians who had fled the Battle of the Dunes. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to take the settlement of Drodkur, and made their way towards Uklon, where they were soundly defeated by the Convened Nomadic Tribes and were forced to retreat.
      The eastern troops attempted to penetrate the Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle, but the environments proved too treacherous and their inhabitants too determined to overcome. While the small settlement of Belia was destroyed, the cities of Mandir and Surassa were never invaded and the surviving troops retreated to their ships.
      As they departed, the troops which had landed at the mouth of the Sura River sailed west rather than east, and as a final, spiteful blow, decimated Shul's Temple on the Isle of Shul. Oral tradition in Prehn and historical records in Chalcedon both say that, in his rage at the deaths of his priesthood and the decimation of the temple and village built in his name, Shul unleashed his fury and caused the volcano, dormant since the Age of Fire, to erupt, turning the invaders' bodies to stone.
      Legend in Prehn holds that the Isle of Shul is still littered with the petrified remains of the invaders, as well as their spirits -- none venture there.

  • Norodas, 11th of Sun's Height, Year 10,549 of the Age of Earth
    The Assault of Rambergam
    Military: War

    Attempting an overland incursion, forces from the North laid siege to the mountain stronghold of Rambergam. For nearly a month they battered against the city gates, but couldn't break through, and eventually retreated.

  • Shuldas, 14th of Second Seed, Year 10,551 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Broken Mountains
    Military: War

    Intent to control the Southern region, the Northern cities amassed their strength and launched a full-scale invasion, landing ships at the mouth of every river and sending thousands of troops inland.
      The Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle were set alight and the cities of Mandir and Surassa were finally breached.
      The reconstructed city of Erytheia was invaded once again, though its inhabitants had not forgotten their hard-learned lessons and offered much greater resistance than during the War of Bloody Shores.
      The invasion was strategically planned during the time of year when the Nomadic Tribes were scattered, so they could not pose a united front as they had once before, and the stronghold of Uklon was defaced.
      Only the city of Rambergam was unbreached, as well as a few remote nomadic settlements in the Mirewood Swamps.
      The people of the South would not be defeated, however, and while the Northerners had the advantage of technology, they had lost their connection to the natural world -- which the Southerners used against them to great effect.
      The land itself rose up against the invaders as druids from a myriad of circles, accompanied by rangers and tribespeople, clerics and paladins of the Timeless Ones, and all manner of Southerners summoned the powers of the land and slowly beat back the Northern aggressors.
      After the war, the Northerners accepted that they could not overpower the people of the South, but once again made one final, devastating blow.
      In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      It was after this cataclysmic event, seen as the greatest blasphemy by those living in the South, that any remaining relations between the two regions were ended, and the separate nation-states of Chalcedon and Prehn were formed.

  • Mondas, 10th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    Raising of the Floating Isles & Founding of Minster

    In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      The Chalcedonians attributed the miracle to a new deity, Gond, a god of innovation that had "helped Chalcedon rise to the heavens." Faith in Gond has since spread rapidly across the North and it has become the state religion.

  • Tirdas, 15th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    The Dividing of the Continent
    Political event

    Following the War of Broken Mountains, the Northern and Southern regions formally separated and became Chalcedon and Prehn.

The Age of Water

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The beginnings of time, when all the world was enveloped in the primordial waters and before Chandra ascended to the heavens.

  • Year 1 through Year 1,500 of the Age of Earth
    The Emergence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During the first 1,500 years of the Age of Earth, the various races of the world began to emerge. In Primoria, the belief has long been that the various races were created by the All-Source, though recently the Church of Gond has begun to teach that Gond formed the races from different metals and minerals. Traditionally, it was believed that the lesser deities, The Timeless Ones, were given life before any other flora, fauna, or humanoid race came to be, and that they prepared the way for them.

  • Year 1,623 of the Age of Earth
    The Nomadic Tribes Form
    Cultural event

    The Nomadic Tribes came to be during this time; they split into racial and family groups and began to claim territories and establish specialties while exploring the continent. Legend holds that they were aided by Norok, who guided each of the tribes to the regions that would best accommodate their differing capabilities, constitutions, and skills. It is because of his guidance that the surviving Nomadic Tribes still revere Norok to this day.

  • Year 2,112 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Uklon

    After the Nomadic Tribes established themselves, Norok counseled them to always remember their shared history, so that their differences might never sunder their relationships with one another. Following this decree, the Tribes established the seasonal and holy settlement of Uklon, where they would forevermore gather each year to reconnect and rekindle their kinship.

  • Year 8,351 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Old Erytheia

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements was Old Erytheia, which would become the largest city on the Primorian continent for many centuries.

    Old Erytheia
  • Year 8,401 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Penrose

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Penrose, which would become a cultural hub.

  • Year 8,456 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Surassa

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. Surassa was the second such city built in the south of Primoria and it still stands to this day, with an astounding amount of original architecture thanks to its remote and difficult-to-reach location in the heart of the Surassan Jungle.

  • Year 8,498 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Grimvale

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Grimvale.

  • Year 8,503 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Galena

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the south, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The fourth of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Galena.

  • Year 8,506 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Mandir
    Religious event

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these cities was Mandir, located in the Forests of Pando.

  • Aadas, 26th of Rain's Hand, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Destruction of Old Erytheia
    Disaster / Destruction

    Old Erytheia, the original seat of the Circle of Stars, was destroyed during the Battle of the Dunes.

    Old Erytheia
  • Norodas, 25th of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of the City of Rambergam

    The last of the great southern cities to be constructed was Rambergam, located in the Ridgefell Mountains. It was hewn from the living rock by Prehnite druids as a safe haven after The Battle of the Dunes and during the War of Bloody Shores.

  • Grahmindas, 2nd of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Bloody Shores
    Military: War

    Only three months after the devastating Battle of the Dunes, a fleet of ships from Penrose and Grimvale sailed down opposite coasts, with the western fleet again making landfall south of Old Erytheia -- now abandoned -- and the eastern fleet landing at the mouths of the Calcelon and Sura rivers.
      Troops in the west laid waste to the village of Helmvere, which was largely a refugee camp filled with Old Erytheians who had fled the Battle of the Dunes. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to take the settlement of Drodkur, and made their way towards Uklon, where they were soundly defeated by the Convened Nomadic Tribes and were forced to retreat.
      The eastern troops attempted to penetrate the Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle, but the environments proved too treacherous and their inhabitants too determined to overcome. While the small settlement of Belia was destroyed, the cities of Mandir and Surassa were never invaded and the surviving troops retreated to their ships.
      As they departed, the troops which had landed at the mouth of the Sura River sailed west rather than east, and as a final, spiteful blow, decimated Shul's Temple on the Isle of Shul. Oral tradition in Prehn and historical records in Chalcedon both say that, in his rage at the deaths of his priesthood and the decimation of the temple and village built in his name, Shul unleashed his fury and caused the volcano, dormant since the Age of Fire, to erupt, turning the invaders' bodies to stone.
      Legend in Prehn holds that the Isle of Shul is still littered with the petrified remains of the invaders, as well as their spirits -- none venture there.

  • Norodas, 11th of Sun's Height, Year 10,549 of the Age of Earth
    The Assault of Rambergam
    Military: War

    Attempting an overland incursion, forces from the North laid siege to the mountain stronghold of Rambergam. For nearly a month they battered against the city gates, but couldn't break through, and eventually retreated.

  • Shuldas, 14th of Second Seed, Year 10,551 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Broken Mountains
    Military: War

    Intent to control the Southern region, the Northern cities amassed their strength and launched a full-scale invasion, landing ships at the mouth of every river and sending thousands of troops inland.
      The Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle were set alight and the cities of Mandir and Surassa were finally breached.
      The reconstructed city of Erytheia was invaded once again, though its inhabitants had not forgotten their hard-learned lessons and offered much greater resistance than during the War of Bloody Shores.
      The invasion was strategically planned during the time of year when the Nomadic Tribes were scattered, so they could not pose a united front as they had once before, and the stronghold of Uklon was defaced.
      Only the city of Rambergam was unbreached, as well as a few remote nomadic settlements in the Mirewood Swamps.
      The people of the South would not be defeated, however, and while the Northerners had the advantage of technology, they had lost their connection to the natural world -- which the Southerners used against them to great effect.
      The land itself rose up against the invaders as druids from a myriad of circles, accompanied by rangers and tribespeople, clerics and paladins of the Timeless Ones, and all manner of Southerners summoned the powers of the land and slowly beat back the Northern aggressors.
      After the war, the Northerners accepted that they could not overpower the people of the South, but once again made one final, devastating blow.
      In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      It was after this cataclysmic event, seen as the greatest blasphemy by those living in the South, that any remaining relations between the two regions were ended, and the separate nation-states of Chalcedon and Prehn were formed.

  • Mondas, 10th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    Raising of the Floating Isles & Founding of Minster

    In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      The Chalcedonians attributed the miracle to a new deity, Gond, a god of innovation that had "helped Chalcedon rise to the heavens." Faith in Gond has since spread rapidly across the North and it has become the state religion.

  • Tirdas, 15th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    The Dividing of the Continent
    Political event

    Following the War of Broken Mountains, the Northern and Southern regions formally separated and became Chalcedon and Prehn.

The Age of Earth

25001 and beyond

At last the powers of fire and water had battled long enough and reached a tenuous peace. Upon their settling, life began to flourish on the lands created by fire and in the waters still full of power. All of Telluria's diverse peoples have different explanations for how life came to exist.

  • Year 1 through Year 1,500 of the Age of Earth
    The Emergence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During the first 1,500 years of the Age of Earth, the various races of the world began to emerge. In Primoria, the belief has long been that the various races were created by the All-Source, though recently the Church of Gond has begun to teach that Gond formed the races from different metals and minerals. Traditionally, it was believed that the lesser deities, The Timeless Ones, were given life before any other flora, fauna, or humanoid race came to be, and that they prepared the way for them.

  • Year 1,623 of the Age of Earth
    The Nomadic Tribes Form
    Cultural event

    The Nomadic Tribes came to be during this time; they split into racial and family groups and began to claim territories and establish specialties while exploring the continent. Legend holds that they were aided by Norok, who guided each of the tribes to the regions that would best accommodate their differing capabilities, constitutions, and skills. It is because of his guidance that the surviving Nomadic Tribes still revere Norok to this day.

  • Year 2,112 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Uklon

    After the Nomadic Tribes established themselves, Norok counseled them to always remember their shared history, so that their differences might never sunder their relationships with one another. Following this decree, the Tribes established the seasonal and holy settlement of Uklon, where they would forevermore gather each year to reconnect and rekindle their kinship.

  • Year 8,351 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Old Erytheia

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements was Old Erytheia, which would become the largest city on the Primorian continent for many centuries.

    Old Erytheia
  • Year 8,401 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Penrose

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The first of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Penrose, which would become a cultural hub.

  • Year 8,456 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Surassa

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. Surassa was the second such city built in the south of Primoria and it still stands to this day, with an astounding amount of original architecture thanks to its remote and difficult-to-reach location in the heart of the Surassan Jungle.

  • Year 8,498 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Grimvale

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the South, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Grimvale.

  • Year 8,503 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of Galena

    Over the centuries, some of the more intrepid Nomadic Tribes ventured north across the treacherous Ridgefell Mountains. Eventually, just as in the south, some tribespeople broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The fourth of these settlements north of the Ridgefell Mountains was Galena.

  • Year 8,506 of the Age of Earth
    The Founding of Mandir
    Religious event

    After some centuries, a number of the Tribal members broke away from the nomadic lifestyle and looked to establish permanent settlements. Legend says that they were guided to do so by various Timeless Ones, particularly Shul, Suvulaan, and Monah. The third of these cities was Mandir, located in the Forests of Pando.

  • Aadas, 26th of Rain's Hand, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Destruction of Old Erytheia
    Disaster / Destruction

    Old Erytheia, the original seat of the Circle of Stars, was destroyed during the Battle of the Dunes.

    Old Erytheia
  • Norodas, 25th of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    Founding of the City of Rambergam

    The last of the great southern cities to be constructed was Rambergam, located in the Ridgefell Mountains. It was hewn from the living rock by Prehnite druids as a safe haven after The Battle of the Dunes and during the War of Bloody Shores.

  • Grahmindas, 2nd of Second Seed, Year 8,666 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Bloody Shores
    Military: War

    Only three months after the devastating Battle of the Dunes, a fleet of ships from Penrose and Grimvale sailed down opposite coasts, with the western fleet again making landfall south of Old Erytheia -- now abandoned -- and the eastern fleet landing at the mouths of the Calcelon and Sura rivers.
      Troops in the west laid waste to the village of Helmvere, which was largely a refugee camp filled with Old Erytheians who had fled the Battle of the Dunes. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to take the settlement of Drodkur, and made their way towards Uklon, where they were soundly defeated by the Convened Nomadic Tribes and were forced to retreat.
      The eastern troops attempted to penetrate the Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle, but the environments proved too treacherous and their inhabitants too determined to overcome. While the small settlement of Belia was destroyed, the cities of Mandir and Surassa were never invaded and the surviving troops retreated to their ships.
      As they departed, the troops which had landed at the mouth of the Sura River sailed west rather than east, and as a final, spiteful blow, decimated Shul's Temple on the Isle of Shul. Oral tradition in Prehn and historical records in Chalcedon both say that, in his rage at the deaths of his priesthood and the decimation of the temple and village built in his name, Shul unleashed his fury and caused the volcano, dormant since the Age of Fire, to erupt, turning the invaders' bodies to stone.
      Legend in Prehn holds that the Isle of Shul is still littered with the petrified remains of the invaders, as well as their spirits -- none venture there.

  • Norodas, 11th of Sun's Height, Year 10,549 of the Age of Earth
    The Assault of Rambergam
    Military: War

    Attempting an overland incursion, forces from the North laid siege to the mountain stronghold of Rambergam. For nearly a month they battered against the city gates, but couldn't break through, and eventually retreated.

  • Shuldas, 14th of Second Seed, Year 10,551 of the Age of Earth
    The War of Broken Mountains
    Military: War

    Intent to control the Southern region, the Northern cities amassed their strength and launched a full-scale invasion, landing ships at the mouth of every river and sending thousands of troops inland.
      The Forests of Pando and the Surassan Jungle were set alight and the cities of Mandir and Surassa were finally breached.
      The reconstructed city of Erytheia was invaded once again, though its inhabitants had not forgotten their hard-learned lessons and offered much greater resistance than during the War of Bloody Shores.
      The invasion was strategically planned during the time of year when the Nomadic Tribes were scattered, so they could not pose a united front as they had once before, and the stronghold of Uklon was defaced.
      Only the city of Rambergam was unbreached, as well as a few remote nomadic settlements in the Mirewood Swamps.
      The people of the South would not be defeated, however, and while the Northerners had the advantage of technology, they had lost their connection to the natural world -- which the Southerners used against them to great effect.
      The land itself rose up against the invaders as druids from a myriad of circles, accompanied by rangers and tribespeople, clerics and paladins of the Timeless Ones, and all manner of Southerners summoned the powers of the land and slowly beat back the Northern aggressors.
      After the war, the Northerners accepted that they could not overpower the people of the South, but once again made one final, devastating blow.
      In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      It was after this cataclysmic event, seen as the greatest blasphemy by those living in the South, that any remaining relations between the two regions were ended, and the separate nation-states of Chalcedon and Prehn were formed.

  • Mondas, 10th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    Raising of the Floating Isles & Founding of Minster

    In a display of unparalleled magic that to this day remains unexplained, Northern spellcasters ripped the Ridgefell Mountains apart, and launched the shards into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.
      The Chalcedonians attributed the miracle to a new deity, Gond, a god of innovation that had "helped Chalcedon rise to the heavens." Faith in Gond has since spread rapidly across the North and it has become the state religion.

  • Tirdas, 15th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
    The Dividing of the Continent
    Political event

    Following the War of Broken Mountains, the Northern and Southern regions formally separated and became Chalcedon and Prehn.