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The central grasslands of Prehn are largely populated by nomadic tribes, as well as rangers and some elemental druids. A seasonal settlement exists near the heart of the country where the various tribes make their way during the winters.   Uklon is the winter settlement of Prehn's nomadic tribes and is an area of land demarcated by a vast Stonehenge-like circle of upright stones within which the tribes obey the laws of hospitality and set up their tent-city for the winter. It is said that the stones were raised by the tribes' common ancestor, Bruxen the Strong, who, as his name suggests, is thought to be the strongest Giant who ever lived. While they do maintain distinct tribal groups during the annual conclave, their shared ancestry brings them back together to Uklon at the end of each autumn so that they can trade, conduct spiritual ceremonies, arrange marriages between tribes, and wait out the winter using shared resources.


The tribes convene each winter so that the tribal leaders can meet to resolve conflicts, conduct marriages/pairings, trade, and pass judgement on any offenders of tribal law.


After the Nomadic Tribes established themselves, Norok counseled them to always remember their shared history, so that their differences might never sunder their relationships with one another. Following this decree, the Tribes established the seasonal and holy settlement of Uklon, where they would forevermore gather each year to reconnect and rekindle their kinship.
Founding Date
Year 2,112 of the Age of Earth
The nomadic tribes
Location under

Articles under Uklon


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