Puigil Archipelago
The The Warmwind Sea is dominated by an archipelago formed when a supervolcano blew in the depths of time. This archipelago was home to The Empire of the Sun, 'Tolmec' people.
A tropical rainforest, these mountains rise from the sea in the warmer latitudes.
That of a tropical rainforest, but with coatls involved.
Ecosystem Cycles
Seasons change, but here in the southern isles, it is always warm-to-hot, rainy in the afternoons, and filled with bugs the size of your forefinger.
Localized Phenomena
The remains of the Tolmec empire can be seen everywhere around these isles. Temples, causeways and home foundations are sure to be stumbled over as one tries to traverse the thick jungle that has reclaimed the area as its own.
Fauna & Flora
Tropical Rainforest.
Natural Resources
Hardwood, bananas, dates, palm fronds, several species of local fish, salt, gold, silver, gems, okra
Most people don't even know about them.
Alternative Name(s)
Paradise Isles
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)