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He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

He Who Does Not Sleep Fate - Time (a.k.a. The Merchant, The Sleepless One.)

Fate, He Who Does Not Sleep: Deorum Obdormiet   While most of the Gods sleep in the Godly plane, the one that put them all into their deep slumber stays awake endlessly to watch over time and the world he has won.   Fate is a fickle God, some days a granter of fortune and powers beyond most's imagination, some days a passive observer of the hell everyone's found themselves in, keeping the gears of an old music box spinning.   Many people have made contact with Fate before, be it his own worshippers or people trying to make constact with their own God only to have Fate answer in their stead. Almost all who have spoken with him attest to his capricious and playful nature, treating mortals as some form of his own amusement.   Often he likes to take mortal forms, be it in the bodies of his followers, or in the form of a friendly travelling Merchant.   The Followers he typically takes the bodies of are his former Paladins following their death, this is described as him 'Waking them up' and supposedly when this happens the Paladin's soul is still present alongside the God.   While The Merchant often shows preferencial treatment to his favoured customers, seeming to give them support and aiding them with his wares, those who find out his secret often conclude this is mearly another form of cruel entertainment for the God.   His religious symbol is two eye tattoos under his worshippers real eyes, to represent his own eyes that remain permanantly open and unsleeping.  Those in Tempricida who worship him have a tendency towards insomnia, forced or otherwise.  Some of his followers also claim the gift of prophesy, claiming to recieve visions or hear Fate telling them of impending events.   Time, He Who Set The Stars In Motion: Deorum Expergiscere   Prior to the DO era, Fate was known as He Who Set the Stars in Motion and was the God of Time, associated with the way the world and all things crafted by his sister, The Goddess of Space, moved and changed and eventually would be destroyed.   Time was primarily worshipped alongside his two siblings, The Goddess of Space, She Who Forged The Stars, and The God of Matter, He Who Plays With Particles. While little of Matter's religion is known anymore (His followers settlements often meeting violent ends with the few survivors being taken in by other religions and assimilating to survive) it is seemingly the case that Matter was the main God worshipped within this religious order, with Time and Space as more minor deities under his care.   Within the Matter religion, Time was still portrayed as a mischevious and capricious God. Many tales come from him tricking mortals and causing trouble for them only for Matter to have to step in and take steps to correct his behaviour.   Time is in tales of early Starstrip Nights as a representation of 'Bad Children' that Father Celestial ignores and who is to spend Starstrip repenting for his behaviour.    Interestingly, while texts and depictions of Time in  this era from close to its end and written post DO do refer to Time as a God, earlier texts and depictions portray Time as a young Goddess instead.   While it was only after the day The Gods Were Put To Sleep that his title changed, Matter texts suggest the first to call Time 'Fate' was Asmodeus, who seduced the foolish young God in an effort to turn him against his siblings.       Some think the Sleepless One is the most powerful of the Gods. Others believe the Sleepless One is just a weak, yet crafty God. Either way, Fate dictates this world, whether people want him to or not.  

Divine Domains

Fate, Time.


Red Sky Day, an cosmological event said to commemorate the birth of Time and Space, as well as having been happening the day of The Sleeping.   New Years Day, comemorates a rotation of the world and the begining of a new year under Fate's reign.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

While Gods consider gender a matter for lesser beings, Fate does seem to have had his mortal presentation of gender change at some point in the distant past.   He uses exclusively He/Him pronouns in the modern day and seems to shun references to his past portrayals as a Goddess.


She Who Forged The Stars/Space

Sister God (Vital)

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate



He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

Brother God (Vital)

Towards She Who Forged The Stars/Space




Sibling Gods once worshipped side by Side. When Fate helped the people put the other Gods to sleep it is said by some his betrayal of Space was the most intense, several shared artifacts of theirs have since been lost, perhaps to indicate the Goddess' upset with her brother.   Those in Continuum still worship the two alongside one another.

Relationship Reasoning

Born at the start of the universe together. Worshipped as minor deities by worshippers of The God of Matter. Worshipped alongside each other by those in Continuum.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are Gods, their relationship was such that She Who Forged The Stars would create the celestial bodies, while He Who Set The Stars In Motion was the one who had time act upon them, causing life but also death and breakages.

The God of Matter/ The One Who Plays With Particles

S̸̞͖̖̦̳̥̟͉̎̅̅͗́͗̂͐̋̾̏̄̀͌̋͠ͅi̶̛̺̙̽̇̇́̃͒͐b̷̧̙̜̞̖̻̤̦̣̽̅̊̄̃͘͠͝ļ̸̡̧̧̝͚͎̖̖̥̺̰̗̼͚͎͌̓̈́̿̎̾̏͜͝͝i̸̢̡̮͖̤͇͕̤̇̂͛̆͛̋̕n̸̝̗̼̜̝̟̗̰̫̾̓̍͊̏̎̀͑͝ͅg̷͕̭̍̇͊̒̌̅ (Trivial)

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate



He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

S̸̞͖̖̦̳̥̟͉̎̅̅͗́͗̂͐̋̾̏̄̀͌̋͠ͅi̶̛̺̙̽̇̇́̃͒͐b̷̧̙̜̞̖̻̤̦̣̽̅̊̄̃͘͠͝ļ̸̡̧̧̝͚͎̖̖̥̺̰̗̼͚͎͌̓̈́̿̎̾̏͜͝͝i̸̢̡̮͖̤͇͕̤̇̂͛̆͛̋̕n̸̝̗̼̜̝̟̗̰̫̾̓̍͊̏̎̀͑͝ͅg̷͕̭̍̇͊̒̌̅ (Important)

Towards The God of Matter/ The One Who Plays With Particles



Asmodeus, King Of The Hells

Ex-Lover (Trivial)

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate



He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

Ex-Lover (Vital)

Towards Asmodeus, King Of The Hells




It is said one of the reasons for Planelock was Matter discovering an ellicit relationship between Asmodeus and The God of Time. This was most likely an attempt by Asmodeus to manipulate the God.   In the Deorum Orbidormiet era, Fate does not discuss the relationship.



Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


Towards Misfortune




Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


Towards Inevitablity


Amelica Lycoris

Oathbreaker (Vital)

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate



He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

Former Deity (Important)

Towards Amelica Lycoris




Amelica Lycoris was Fate's Paladin for much of her life. Plagued by visions, Amelica came to blame Fate for Tormenting her with all the ways Amelica could see her family die. Amelica has met Fate since Oathbreaking, she claims to have wounded him using the scythe he gave her, hoping to drive her mad. They have promised when they next meet, one of them will kill the other.

Relationship Reasoning

A God and an Oathbreaker.

Arachnia Lycoris

Cleric (Important)

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate



He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

God (Trivial)

Towards Arachnia Lycoris



Arachnia Lycoris the High Priestess of The Web Of Time, supposedly has a heavy devotion to the God of Fate.   However, she makes little effort in her leadership of the settlement to match many of the Fate Religion's cultural norms, still very attached to the Lycoris family's older legacy.

Xune Lycoris


Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


Towards Xune Lycoris



A Cleric of Fate, Xune at least presents herself as heavily devout. She is incredibly adept at divine magic and has been from a young age.

Relationship Reasoning

A God and a Cleric. Xune is one of Fate's strongest Clerics.

The One Reborn/The God of Nature

Fellow God

Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate

Fellow God

Towards The One Reborn/The God of Nature



When The God of Fate was young, he was one of the youngest Gods. The One Reborn doted on him and his sister The Goddess of Space as a result, refering to them both as 'Little Godcubs' and treated them gently and encouragingly in comparison to other caretakers that Fate had.   As Fate grew into his roles and responsibilities this changed, The One Reborn instead seeking to push Fate to his limits and see him grow stronger as most prey he hunts eventually does.

Divine Classification
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Circumstances of Birth
The Big Bang happened, and so were born, Space and Time
The God of Matter/ The One Who Plays With Particles (S̸̞͖̖̦̳̥̟͉̎̅̅͗́͗̂͐̋̾̏̄̀͌̋͠ͅi̶̛̺̙̽̇̇́̃͒͐b̷̧̙̜̞̖̻̤̦̣̽̅̊̄̃͘͠͝ļ̸̡̧̧̝͚͎̖̖̥̺̰̗̼͚͎͌̓̈́̿̎̾̏͜͝͝i̸̢̡̮͖̤͇͕̤̇̂͛̆͛̋̕n̸̝̗̼̜̝̟̗̰̫̾̓̍͊̏̎̀͑͝ͅg̷͕̭̍̇͊̒̌̅)
Typically portrayed as Male
Galaxy, short
God of The Cult Of He Who Does Not Sleep
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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