Abandoned: Triumverate of the Woods
A polytheistic religion that believes that the only gods that should be worshipped are the ones that look over the earth, the trees and the skies, as well as the creatures that dwell in all three. They believe in the trinity of Carnival, Cernudens, and Mava. This religion was founded during the foundation of the Queendom of Boudigia, much to the dismay of the Frankiech and the Eadwigian.
They were worshipped by the Beast Races, Exile Elves, and many other races and creatures that dwell in the forests of Tenebra. This would change in the year 1263 when Mava was annihilated and her soul was absorbed by Koschei and Marya during the Second Great Holy War. Now, the centralized faith that is the Triumverate of the Woods would be abandoned in favor of worshipping Desynthe Rubyleaf and/or Cernudens.
The organization has no high leaders and relies more on the powers of local leaders to accomplish goals across its communities.
The Church of the Triumvirate follows lenient guidelines of charity, equity, patience, and love. They believe in protecting their community in whatever manner that the local priests see fit, whether through peaceful preaching or violent uprisings.
Public Agenda
Live life to the fullest and continue into your next life.
This druidic religion was founded by Queen Boudugg herself, but she did not declare herself head of religion for fear of imitating the religion of the Latonans.
Divine Origins
Founded 1000 E.D.
Tenets of Faith
- Treat thy neighbor as thyself would like to be treated
- Drink to thine heart's content
- Remember the god's sacrifice
1000 E.D. - 1263 E.D.
Religious, Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The True Trinity, The Church of the Triumverate