House Whyne of the Rune

House Whyne of the Rune is the newest cadet branch of House Whyne of Redwood. Their head is Emerick Whyne, the lord of the Rune.   Their bannor is blazen with a black castle, signifying the rune, on the Whyne field reversed with a black stripe through it. It's words are slightly changed from their father house, being "Hear My Song".  


  The Rune became under the possession of House Whyne after The Three Days War when Lucion Whyne married his son, Emerick, to Lorna Rose of the near extinct House Rose of the Rune. The lands of Lorna would transfer to her husband.   The wedding between Emerick and Lorna was dreary and uncomfortable. Emerick was 13 years older than Lorna, who was 14 at the time. Lorna had been the sole survivor of her family, who all died of sickness and starvation. She was left traumatized and could barely stand when the time for the wedding came.   In 481, Lorna has refused to take the name of her husband. They have not had any children. The castle of the Rune has become a primary trading post between House Whyne and the Nords inhabiting the south of Majik.
Coat of Arms
A Black Castle on a Red Field of Black Doves with a Black Line
Hear My Song
The Rune 
Emerick Whyne  


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