The Rune

The Rune is a stronghold standing at the south of the Redwood and just north of the Northman's March.  


  The Rune is described as a large stone rectangle pointing up to the sky. The stones that the castle is made out of carry distinct carvings and runes, leaving many to believe that the castle is magical. It does not have walls surrounding the castle. The lands are surrounded by two rivers that work as natural motes. There is a small village outside that is nearly solely populated by Nordic migrants. The town trades and transports goods from Nordheim that are normally barred from the other ports in Majik. There is believed to be underground storages, apartments, and crypts underneath the Rune that are said to be haunted.  


Older History

  According to legend, the Rune was created by dwarves who had followed Kolgrinn Gold from the Dwarven Mountains. They raised the castle with dwarven bloodmagic and carved magical runes within the bricks.   When Cyril of Vyshaan came with his 100,000 elves and conquered Majik, the Rune is said to have been the sole remaining stronghold of the dwarves. No enemy could breach into the castle. Even when Elenwynn the Great came with her army and dragons, it is said that the castle's runes repelled the dragonfire.   Historians doubt these stories as of the time of the Iceblade Empire, the Rune's dwarven families had been vacated, and House Rose was controlling the castle. It is rumoured the old dwarven family still lurks underneath the Rune, waiting for their time to attack.

Recent History

During the Majiki Tiefling Uprising, Heirax the Firehand did not try to attack the Rune because of it's supposed magical capabilities.   In the Three Days War, the castle withheld a the siege against the forces of Frode the Stranger. House Rose however, slowly starved and succumbed to sickess whilst trapped in the castle, leaving only Lorna Rose alive.   After the marriage between Lorna Rose and Emerick Whyne, the fortress is under the control of House Whyne of the Rune.


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