Merrick Cayn

Sergeant Merrick Cayn, at times referred to as Redarm, is a commander in the Royal Army of Majik. He is the fourth child of Lord Desmond Cayn, Lord of Greenstone. He was married to a bastard daughter of House Goldgrain, they had one daughter. Both this wife and daughter were killed by Careem Stormsword's forces during The Three Days War.  

Appearance and Character

  Merrick has dark brown hair and a bushy beard, spotted with grey and a large sharp nose. He wears heavy steel plate armour, adorned with gold. He carries his brother's rose gold sword with him, though he prefers to use a standard issue iron axe and shield.   Merrick is known to be a staunchly loyal soldier to the crown. He carries out his orders without question.  


Early Life

  Merrick was born as the fourth child of Desmond Cayn and Merilla Pillager.   His eldest brother, Desmond, would fall in the Battle of Blackbay.   He went and studied arms at the royal academy under Aerentis the Ironhand at 14.   Merrick would be knighted by Aerentis in 459 after successfully dispatching a group of tiefling rebels that had been terrorizing the Solryn.

The Three Days War

  Merrick would lead the army of 600 soldiers against the arriving Nordic settlers of the coast of Felyn. The soldiers would butcher everyone there, including Careem Stormsword's wife and son. Careem's two brothers and his son Sigurd would escape with the help of Andor Twice-Maimed. Merrick would lead his soldiers to track down Andor and Careem's brothers, he would be ambushed by the Lord Frode the Stranger and his host.   He would return to Majik's capital and found it in a panic, as Careem had escaped the Blackiron Cells and the Day of Red Snow had begun. He left Alumyth and met with the Lord Draven of Blackhold and marched to the ruins of Merryhall. There he assisted Andor Twice-Maimed in caring for the remaining smallfolk of Merryhall and took the last remaining member of House Merry under his wing.   Merrick would fight in the Day of Red Grass. Merrick killed Careem's younger brother, Thrain, during the battle.   Merrick would then aid in the defense of Alumyth where he would witness the city fall at the hands of Careem. It is also claimed he killed Careems other brother, Bjorn, during the final push into the Palace-by-the-Sea. For his efforts Merrick was a awarded a small manor by Sunharvest and command over a detachment of 250 men.
One Daughter


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