Frode the Stranger

Lord Olaf Frodyng is the head of House Frodyng of Majik. He is mainly known as Lord Frode the Northman, or Frode the Stranger, by friends and foes alike. His family controls the majority of southern Majik which was taken out of the territories of House Ottez in the Three Days War. He has had two wives, his first Hulda, who gave him five sons. His second Mythana gave him eight sons, and one daughter. He also has two bastard sons.   Lord Frode adopted Aaland Edgarr after he was left orphaned after the Majiki Tiefling Uprising. The two have remained close, and Aaland supported him and Careem during the Three Days War. The two have remained great trade partners, the trade benefitting both extremely well. Frode also has close relations with the King of Nordheim. Instead of trading their goods through the ports of Alumyth, they trade through Frode, who, in turn, moves the goods through the Rune of House Whyne.  

Appearance and Character

  In his youth, young Frode was a strapping and charming man sporting blond hair and pale blue eyes, though in his old age he has heavily regressed. His hair has long since faded to white, only a few tufts of curly hair are left on the sides of his head. He has a bushy goatee and a curled moustache grown ontop of his triple chin. Frode has gained incredible amounts of weight, weighing over 350 pounds. His face is puffy and red and his teeth are stained yellow and black. Frode suffers from gout of the legs and hands, often consuming milk of the poppy and dreamwine to numb the symptoms. He also suffers from a bad cough and difficulty breathing, aswell as insomnia, which is also aided by dreamwine. Because of his ailments and size, Frode often walks with a thick gilded wooden cane, or is carried around in a litter.   Frode is a heavy drinker. He starts a day with a cup of fine wine, he has a large glass of rum in his midday meal, at dinner he has a couple more glasses of wine, and before bed he drinks a tankard of mead. Because of his alcohol consumption, Frode is constantly sweating and releases a stale and musty odor from his body. He attempts to hide it with perfume. Along with drinking, Frode consumes alot of rich food. Sausages, pies, cakes, specifically cheesecakes, boiled eggs and lampreys. Frode is rumoured to no longer be able to perform in bed.   By his own admission and his physical appearance, Frode is seen by many as a lustful fool and glutton. This is a clever front, however, Frode is calculating, cunning, and inteliigent. He is seen as an amiable and courteous person, but in reality Frode is a merciless and callous man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Frode has little friends in the realm, most remembering him for his betrayal in the Three Days War, the Field of Fire, and the Sacking of Alumyth. Frode does not shy away from torture or murder. He is completely honourless, breaking truces, promises of peace, and pledges of allegiance. As the territories he holds are not technically under the king, slavery is still permitted in his lands. He is deceitful, sly, and compltetely insatiable in his appetites and lust for power.   Frode wears many rich clothing tailored in Majiki fashion, including a red velvet doublet embroidered with golden thread. Two golden suns pin his mantle on his shoulders. He wears heavy leather boots, and usually a hat, hiding his balding head. His clothing usually is bursting or unbuttoned because of his girth. He has a massive fleet of longships and galleys, captained by his sons, sellsails, pirates, and others. He also had a giant pleasure barge, made out of golden wood. Frode can no longer wear armour, but he still carries around an ornate longsword that he was gifted by Quellion II Ottez. His litter is a great thing made out of black metal and gold, carried around by 20 slaves and servants.      


Early Life

  Olaf was born around 400 AGW. He had an elder brother and sister. His father, Harald, died in 413 on a raid in the Elven Empire. Around the same time, Olaf built his own ship, got married to Hulda Frodyng (his cousin), and left home with his siblings to explore the world.   Olaf claims to have sailed to the Elven Empire and ate with the Emperor, M'Hai living with each of the great princes (and sleeping with their wives and sisters), places of the far east like the Endless Wastes of the Tuigans, or the Shadowfell of the Shadar-kai. He sailed to Draconia, the Far South, and forgotten lands of the West. He wrote his own book called Frode's adventures, which historians believe to be an "insulting and offensive piece of work" that holds "nothing of historical face or reality". He slayed dragons, layed with princesses, ate with kings and at times killed them aswell, all before the age of sixteen.


  Olaf's travels eventually brough him to Majik. He sought harbour at the port city of Alumyth, and entertained the king with his stories of great travel and splendor. By this time Olaf had been going by the name Frode, and Quellion hired Frode to assist him in crushing the last of the pirate Lords who have been plaguing Majik for decades. Frode sailed out with his crew and Lucion Whyne to find and kill the pirate Blackteeth, who had just raided the coastside of Greenidge, leading to the deaths of Jorah of Blackhold's father and brother.   Frode managed to discover Blackteeth and chased his ship down the south of Majik, where the two ships would meet in the bay now called The Northman's Bay. The two ships borded each other, but the battle would be overly shortly as the crew of Blackteeth would surrender or abandon the ship after their captain was killed. Frode claims that he did not kill the pirate by sword, instead chopping down the mast of his own ship which fell ontop of Blackteeth, crushing him.   For his efforts, Frode was awarded a stout keep north of the Northman's Bay. Frode quickly became popular with the lords and people of Majik. He became good friends with Lucion Whyne, even offering his sister to Lucion for him to marry, though Lucion declined. It is rumoured that the bastard son of Frode's sister, Harold Hardyng, is the son of Lucion.


Frode the Stranger


Towards Hulda Frodyng


Hulda Frodyng


Towards Frode the Stranger


Frode the Stranger


Towards Mythana Frodyng


Mythana Frodyng


Towards Frode the Stranger


Frode the Stranger
Frode the Northman
The Northman
Frode the Fat
Hulda Frodyng (Spouse)
Mythana Frodyng (Spouse)
360 lbs


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