Risa Gaolyth

Queen Risa Gaolyth was the wife of King Viell I Ottez and the youngest child of Aerentis the Ironhand. She was killed by Careem Stormsword during The Day of Red Stone in The Three Days War.  

Appearance and Character

  Risa had black hair and purple eyes. She was widely regarded as beautiful.   She was a kind and compassionate woman, though at times was considered foolish. She always wanted to travel and loved the ocean.  


Early Life


Marriage to Viell

  Risa was promised to marry Viell before he was the primary heir of King Quellion II Ottez.   The marriage hosted by Aerentis and King Quellion II was a beautiful affair, though there was no love left between the two spouses. Neither of them got along. On many occasions Risa had come to her father crying about how cruel Viell had been and Viell would publicly shame and ridicule his wife. One occasion Risa attempted to flee Majik on a smugglers boat, but was caught by her father.   When Careem Stormsword visited the King Quellion to discuss vassilization under the High Kingdom, Risa seemed enamored by him. Whether it be his tales of travel or his appearance that caught her eye. It is not known if the two had any direct conversations but it filled Viell with jealously. 

The Three Days War

  By the time of The Three Days War, Risa was one of the only members of House Gaolyth left. Despite her pregnancy, Risa refused to be locked away. She spent a great deal making sure the rest of her subjects were safe. Risa pleaded to her father to not kill Careem Stormsword but was told there was no other choice.    Risa believed that she would be able to convince Careem to stop his attack, she snuck out of the palace when Careem approached the gates. She began pleading and begging to Careem to spare the King and those inside it. Careem killed her at the gates before breaking into the palace.    It is rumoured that Risa was pregnant at the time of her death, but it is not known as her body was cast off into the sea.


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