The Day of Red Snow

The Day of Red Snow was the event where Careem Stormsword broke out of the Blackiron prison and escaped the city of Alumyth.  


  After King Quellion II Ottez was discovered murdered, Prince Viell had imprisoned Careem, and a number of Careem's men who he didn't kill, into the Blacksteel prison. Aerentis warned Viell that the cells were not built to hold such a number of men, but the Prince did not seem to care.   After Lord Frode had went against the King at The Northman's Betrayal, Careem's brothers, Bjorn and Thrain took a small group of soldiers to break out Careem and the rest of his men.


  The night after King Viell I had been coronated, the first snow of Winter came across Majik. Careem with the assistance of some of his brothers, who had come north from Lord Frode's keep broke out of the Blackiron cells and made his way through the castle and city. Careem cut his way throughout the city, butchering anyone who stood in his way.  


  After escaping Careem rode south with his small host of men towards the castle of Merryhall.
The Three Days War
9th Day of the 11th Moon, 467 AGW
Nordic Victory


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