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Hock was a half-orc barbarian known for his impetuous manner and indomitable will.

Born the son of a chieftain to an unremarkable tribe of Razorbacks, Hock had a more natural affinity with beasts of the land than with other people. This was especially true of bears.

For reasons he kept to himself, Hock decided early in his life to leave the tribe and forge a path of his own. This decision brought him to Briartown, which he lived on the outskirts of for several years. During this time, he made a meager living as a hunter and woodsman for the townsfolk, though they never fully resolved their discomfort at the idea of the former tribal so close to their homes.

During the Meridian Plague , Briartown suffered the same fate as many other northern settlements and was driven to take drastic action. Empowered with bigotry and opportunism, the villagers betrayed Hock, intending to sell him into slavery to raise enough gold for food and medicine. When they were eventually forced to evacuate their town, they dragged him along, in chains, to Meridar.

This is where Hock met the Heroes of New Veluca, who had recently been strong-armed by Patriarch Herod into taking in hundreds of additional refugees to New Veluca - the Briartown group among them. Increasingly desperate, the Briartown refugees offered Hock to the party in payment for entrance to the party's lands; the party accepted, but emancipated Hock on the spot. It was in this moment, just after striking the village elder to the ground, that Hock resolved to never be placed in chains again.

Over the following months he became a full-time member of the Heroes, and was recruited by Remus Blackfriar into the Champions. Hock fulfilled the role of the bruiser, and the most willing to get his hands dirty if the situation called for it. If Hock wasn't the first to jump into a fight, he was always the last to leave. His unflinching nature and complete unwillingness to back down from any challenge, no matter how dire, earned him a reputation as the most stalwart front-line warrior fielded by the Heroes. Hock often placed himself directly into the most chaotic and exposed positions during battle, and was never happier than when outnumbered and outgunned.

Hock was good friends with Jezebelle and Hekuba, and adversaries with many more.

Although Hock was often brash and unapologetically aggressive, he had a paternal streak that would sometimes win out. Despite the notable hatred he carried towards elves, he found himself tutoring young children for a time in New Veluca - elves among them.

Hock died battling the black dragon Nemesis during the destruction of the Shifting City by the forces of Lakwa. True to his nature, Hock continued to fight even after being pulled away by a desperate Vito, knowing that he fought an unwinnable battle. As Hock's allies retreated, Hock stood tall against the ancient evil, and very literally laughed in the face of death until his final moment.

Date of Birth
Date of Death
25 Flamerule | 499
Aligned Organization
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