Brilzru Character in Teravar | World Anvil
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Master Brilzu the Lighthouse (a.k.a. The Lifeguard, The Savior of the Waves, That Damn Cheat)

Yes of course half of your cargo is expensive, but who are you finding a better rate with? Goblins?
— Mayor Kyrac during a payment dispute with Brilzru and a just rescued merchant, 1721
      The mighty Brilzru is perhaps the most famous resident in all of Yuethanil. Not an elf, or a human, but instead a Dragon. Specifically, he's a bronze dragon that stands atop the rocks on the shoreline to the South-West of the city. Unlike many other dragons, Bronze Dragons quite enjoy the company of shorter lived races. Like many dragons however, Bronze Dragons still must satisfy that urge to collect as large a horde of wealth as possible. Thus, about a hundred years ago, the city was shocked to see a dragon land right outside of the Administrative palace. Once panic subsided Brilzru presented an offer to the mayor and the port authority: In trade for saving the crews of ships within fifty miles of the harbor, Brilzru reserved the right to claim half of the goods of the shipwreck. While considered a steep price for many an upset merchant, Brilzru is the only "reliable" method in which one can recover ANY of their lost goods if their ship is sinking. Thus, a begrudging respect exists for the dragon among the merchants and open adulation by the sailors. A poor fisherman can oftentimes count on this great dragon to save him before his vessel sends him to the bottom of the sea as well.   Besides bringing security to the bay, Brilzru also brought with him his army of kobolds. Of course, even though the kobolds worship him as a god, there is some resentment. For the first two hundred years of his life, he was a very "hands off manager" as they'd put it. This has changed drastically with this new deal, as a small team of lookouts in a small tower above his cave home and a team of divers that cling to him before rescuing drowning sailors are all the servants he needs. This means that there is a significant population of kobolds now out of work in Yuethanil more or less. While they still have access to their lord, they generally must fend for themselves, mostly holing up in the fish mill district. As a token of appreciation for two centuries of hard work, Brilzru negotiated Kobold citizenship within the city limits, but could not for Venrir as a whole. This has left most kobolds in the city as a notable underclass having to work menial labor, especially focused around the ports as citizens living in the area tend to be more reverent to the dragon and thus the tiny lizards are treated with a tad more respect in those parts.

Personality Characteristics


Saving short lived races from drowning from shipwrecks (and claiming half the cargo in recompense).



Rescuer (Trivial)

Towards Lady Moonstone



Lady Moonstone

Unfortunate Business Associate (Important)

Towards Brilzru




He saved my life ONE TIME. YEAH, He doesn't have to act smug that he's the only person in town to pull one over on me. Besides, I totally could have gotten out of that situation, YEAH with a little bit of quick wit and uh....I'd totally have saved my ship.
— Lady Moonstone on Brilzru saving her from one of the three sections of the splinters she still calls a ship.
To call this elf envious would be an understatement. In all manners except physical, she's a dragon herself. To have to willingly pay a dragon for rescuing her and her cargo, as well as additional fees for insurance purposes drives this short elf mad! Still, even she cannot deny how useful he is to the community.   By comparison, he finds her extremely amusing. No other merchant has so many words with so little to say so he makes sure to take time to hear her complaints personally. He has on at least one occasion hired a wizard to record her tirades so he could listen to it whenever he pleased. He considers this one of his prized posessions.

Nicknames & Petnames

That Damn Cheat - Lady Moonstone to Brilzru   The Short One - Brilzru on Lady Moonstone

Current Status
Currently guarding the coastline
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lighthouse, The Lifeguard, The Savior of the Waves, That Damn Cheat
Current Residence
A rocky cave just Southwest of Yuethanil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow with green stripes throughout
Aligned Organization


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