Lady Moonstone Character in Teravar | World Anvil
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Lady Moonstone

A short elven woman known for running seminars on how to become a good adventurer. Moderately wealthy off of, she mainly thinks on what can make her the most profit overall.



Rescuer (Trivial)

Towards Lady Moonstone



Lady Moonstone

Unfortunate Business Associate (Important)

Towards Brilzru




He saved my life ONE TIME. YEAH, He doesn't have to act smug that he's the only person in town to pull one over on me. Besides, I totally could have gotten out of that situation, YEAH with a little bit of quick wit and uh....I'd totally have saved my ship.
— Lady Moonstone on Brilzru saving her from one of the three sections of the splinters she still calls a ship.
To call this elf envious would be an understatement. In all manners except physical, she's a dragon herself. To have to willingly pay a dragon for rescuing her and her cargo, as well as additional fees for insurance purposes drives this short elf mad! Still, even she cannot deny how useful he is to the community.   By comparison, he finds her extremely amusing. No other merchant has so many words with so little to say so he makes sure to take time to hear her complaints personally. He has on at least one occasion hired a wizard to record her tirades so he could listen to it whenever he pleased. He considers this one of his prized posessions.

Nicknames & Petnames

That Damn Cheat - Lady Moonstone to Brilzru   The Short One - Brilzru on Lady Moonstone

Irreneva Tilsin

Reluctant Guard (Trivial)

Towards Lady Moonstone



Lady Moonstone

Annoyed Taxpayer (Vital)

Towards Irreneva Tilsin




Captain Tilsin appears just as a hardass to most people. Lady Moonstone has mistaken her aloofness as hostility. Combine that with the fact Lady Moonstone HATES anything that separates her from her hard earned money (like taxes). She does appreciate (and resent) Tilsin's character means bribery is next to impossible.   Tilsin

Nicknames & Petnames

Captain Hardass, Captain Bigtits - Lady Moonstone about Tilsin   "Who?" -Captain Tilsin about Lady Moonstone

Lawful Greedy
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