Yuethanil Settlement in Teravar | World Anvil
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Anyone with a brain can see how Yuethanil is prosperous. Located at the mouth of the Argoza River and the Gulf of Vonhill, a sizable city has sprouted up. 35,167 people live in this bustling metropolis, which is the fourth largest city in Venrir and the largest in the Middle Jungle Regions. Due to its location and its critical juncture as a major trade city, Yuethanil has a rather diverse group of species living in it. While the vast majority are Highborn or Drow Elves, there are significant Human, Tabaxi and especially Kobold minorities living amongst the city streets.   Yuethanil is an old city, very old. The architecture is a mixture of the old Drow temples that still stand proudly and defiantly above the skyline and the more modern, sensible haciendas of the newer inhabitants. Towards the city administration region, houses and old temples get nicer, more recently painted and better maintained. But head towards the port on the south end or the farming district near the north end and decay begins to set in. Still, there are few cities that have the opportunity of Yuethanil. With so much trade from the Gulf to the south, and so many magical ruins to the north there is nowhere better suited for an adventurer!


For Venrir standards, Yuethanil is a veritable melting pot. Still, a little over 80% of the population is some form of elf. With 46% being high elves to the 36% Drow. In addition, there's 8% Kobold, 4% Human, and 3% Gnome. The remaining 4% are a spread of various species, mainly dwarves and tabaxi.


Yuethanil is a rather modern city with a relatively free democracy. At the top, you have the city mayor elected amongst the entire city. Beneath him there are 10 members of the city council. One for each district. The mayor has executive duties while the council functions as the city's legislation. If 8 members vote so, they can veto any ordinance passed by the mayor.   The current mayor is Lord Kyriac, the second son of a baron to the north of Yuethanil.

Industry & Trade

A number of major industries and trade goods are made or pass through Yuethanil.     Gellbirt & Feddas Industries: Two Gnomish industrialists that have created a group of catch-all factories in Copper Port. Clocks? Compasses? Guns? You name it and it takes someone skilled to make, they've got it! They're one of the largest weapons manufacturers for the Venrir military.   Gold Walk: A collection of craftsmen and artisans run a group of shops that has the finest goods one can find in the kingdom. Anyone with a pretty penny or at least wanting to look the part had best come here.   The Meadery: Honeymead from Honeygate is the beverage of choice amongst Yuethani citizens and the pride of the poorest district. All across the city every bar, tavern and brothel will have their own choice flavor supplied by a small brewery on the north end of town.   Fish Mill: Every day, hundreds of ships sail out for fishing the Gulf's waters and every night they return with their hauls. There is nowhere else in Venrir with better seafood than this marketplace. However, quite often, fishing ships meet with incoming merchant vessels for an "unscheduled meeting" where goods are passed off to the small fishing boats to sneak unchecked into the city. Thus, if you're in need of smuggled goods, Fish MIll is your best bet.   Clay Street: Pottery still is needed even in the 18th century! Using lead, sand and water, these crafty craftsmen have figured out the best way to fire and seal up modern potware. While you'd need to go to Gold Walk for the truly luxury pieces of porcelain, you can find more than presentable pieces all over this street.   The Port Authority: Technically there are five ports between the districts and each one specializes in something. For the everyday man, boats are made in Middleport, bulk goods come through Copper Port, luxury goods come through Ivy Brook, food exports leave from Eastgate and everything else moves through the West District's newest piers.   The Rock of Brilzru: When your ship is going down, you can cry out to your god. But only a dragon can save you. "The Lighthouse" serves as the only rescue for ships in or near the bay Yuethanil is based out of. In trade for half of your cargo upon salvage, Brilzru and his team of kobolds are the only way you can get back ANY of your wreck you still call a ship.


Because of Yuethanil's location, the city is split in two by the Argoza river. High bridges are suspended by levitating pylons in order to facilitate huge ships sailing right through the heart of the city. All across the coast in five Districts, docks facilitate fishing and trade. On the north side, old buildings and thinner streets facilitate thousands of moving people. While on the south, wider roads and lower buildings give way to huge factories that pump smoke into the skies.


District List: 1. Old Yuethanil 2. The Castle 3. Darkmarket 4. Middleport 5. Ivy Brook 6. Copper Port 7. Eastgate 8. Honeygate 9. Cotton Steps 10. West District   1. Old Yuethanil may not hold the majority of the Drow in the city, but it definitely stands as their main influence. Making up most of the area near the river's mouth on the north side, this is considered holy ground. Here you will find the majority of the priestly class as one of the largest Temples to Eine is located here. But every major elven god (and temples of many other different religions) has some structure built here.   2. The Castle isn't truly a castle. It's an old pyramid temple built in the days that Yuethanil was the capital of a Drow nation. Now though, it's inhabited by the city's Magesterium. Wizards aren't known for their reverence so oftentimes earth and broken bricks are carried out of the entrance at the top. This has most citizens suspecting that these magical men have carved deep into the temple, making it into catacombs for their own purposes. But not everyone approves as Drow citizens regularly demonstrate in front of their former architectural pride.   3. Darkmarket's name is a portmanteau of the two most notable things about this district: it's where most of the city's drow live and where the main city markets are located. While illegal trade may be implied by the name, you'd need to look at Honeygate or Copperport's districts if you wanted to find something illicit. Decidedly middle class by the city's standards, not much of note happens in these streets for good and for bad.   4. Middleport fairly recently had the name Northport, but with the West District's planned port expansion and Ivy Brook opening a small dock as well, the city changed the name. Most goods that travel in and out of not just Yuethanil but Argoza as a whole have to go through a check at this port. Its shipyards are legendary among Venrir as most of the rapid navy buildup over the last decade has been facilitated through this port. A large portion of the workers in this port are either elves or kobolds, who are considered to have "made it" if they can be working in the Middleport Shipping Authority.   5. Ivy Brook sticks out as the wealthiest district from the name alone, though Eastgate gentrification may be giving it a run for its money in a few years. Here, the ruler class wines and dines while enjoying their city's great bounties.   6. Copper Port is the city's industrial heart. If you want something, Copper port is where you find it. On the legal end, Gellbirt & Feddas Industries oftentimes has what you need being spread between several specialized manufactories. But if whatever you need is on the...illicit end of things...Head over to Fish Mill and you'll be sure to find something fresh straight from the District's ports!   7. Eastgate has enough going on to be a city unto itself. Several Gnomes have moved into the northern part of the district, turning it into a minature paradise with the jewlers and luxury goods produced in the region. There's a popular culinary scene as well in this region, with spice farms just outside of the city limits keeping the restaurants supplied. However, the wealth inequality has lead to more than a little bit of animosity between the new and old district inhabitants. Typically, this city councilman's district is the tightest contested.   8. Honeygate has the problems of Eastgate with none of the benefits. Famous mostly for the bee farms to the north of the city supplying the district's namesake. As the poorest district in Yuethanil, most money comes through farming brought in to supply the ever growing city. However, the shops inside of the walls within this district are considered some of the best for your standard craft goods like ropes and leather bags.   9. Cotton Steps is almost not even a district. It's a collection of farms sequestered out for growing food and cotton for the city garrison. Almost entirely populated by farmers and contractors for the military, this district is relatively young with having been split off from Eastgate. If you need a good working uniform, this place is your best bet.   10. West District doesn't have a particularly complicated name. It's not a particularly complicated place. Most new development for the city is going on here, as port expansion and new housing makes this a district for immigrants to move to. Ivy Brook didn't want these people in their district, so a fairly recent ordinance split the territory in half. Now, anyone outside the wall is here usually working construction or in one of the many artisan shops dotted around the streets. Here you'll find a small army of kobolds living and working, each one as close for comfort as they can be to their draconic leader.  


  A single large wall stands around Yuethanil that built during the Gwanurdagr now stands in mostly disrepair. Large portions of the city now stand outside of it. Because of its location, most citizens don't think conflict can reach anywhere near their city. If something changed however, this town would be more than unprepared for anything thrown its way.

Guilds and Factions

Magesterium: Wizards are unpredictable! That's why they need to be regulated...by other wizards! In the old castle, regular piles of stone and old bricks are carted out. While no one knows what they're doing, the Drow populace regularly protests these men digging and destroying a piece of their heritage. Because they are their own district they always elect one of their own to the city council.   The Jewelers Guild: Situated at Gold Walk on Eastgate, the Jewelers guild is THE supplier of fine clothing. With fresh cotton from the east and rare metals and gems from the north you almost certainly cannot find a better clothier outside of the capital.   The Adventurers Guild: There are a lot of monsters in Venrir, and a century straight of war has left the populace that yearns for this sort of work as a rather thin number. Still, the government needs to make money so the Adventurers guild must vet its own in order to issue new licenses for those wanting to break into this field.  

Political Parties

  For the Glory of Venrir (FGV): The largest political party in Yuethanil, this is the conservative bloc that currently is in power in the city. Generally, the economy is their main focus, so they regularly vote for anti-piracy methods and naval buildup. Their politial headquarters is located in Ivy Brook.   The Hill (HP): The opposition party often struggles in Venrir as the government clearly backs FGV. The current iteration as the more liberal bloc comes straight from the Venrir capital at Altashetham when opposition party members met on a hill near the Imperial Palace to negotiate a new party. Rapidly growing as a coalition, HP stands to gain serious amounts having recently absorbed Yuethanil's Liberal party and nearby cities into their group. However, this comes at a cost. The coalition relies on drow votes to win seats in the Imperial senate, and many of their own members regularly push for an alliance with Innocia to destroy the human nation to the north. In Yuethanil, their headquartes is based out of southern Eastgate.   The Kobold People's Party (KPP): The third largest party in Yuethanil revolves every election. Nowadays due to Brilzru's negotiation; that's the KPP. While the dragon has little interest in his "subjects" that reside in the city, the kobolds within have begun to band together into their own party. They have a tentative alliance with HP for the next election with HP voters in West District (the largest populace of Kobolds and thusly KPP voters) to vote for their official. If the KPP wins a council seat, this will be the first time a third party has won in 80 years.

Points of interest

The Leaky Goblet: The bar where your adventure began. Also next door to Lady Moonstone's office.   More to come as you keep exploring!


There are a number of major tourism sites inside of Yuethanil, a last bastion of civilization before venturing north deeper into the jungles.   Temple of Draiylax: Venrir's largest temple to the god of dreams, this serves as an oracle and soothsayer for deciphering any dreams you've had...for a price. Located in Eastgate and is separate from most other temples.   Temple of Eine: While nowhere near the size of the one in the capital, this temple is still more than impressive for the goddess. Her followers enjoy the benefits of slightly cheaper interest rates! in return for their service. Located at the north end of Old Yuethanil.   Fish Mill: In addition to some of the finest fish in the world and a major port in its own right, Fish Mill has a gorgeous view of the water where one can gaze upon the fleets of ships that sail in and out every single day.   The Rock of Brilzru: Considered by many to be Yuethanil's most unique site, the small hill that Brilzru has chosen as home and burrowed into has become a massive attraction. Originally, even the affable dragon found these tourists bothersome. But as time went on and he lowered his lair deeper and deeper into the earth he found a new way he could make money. Now, at the top of his massive horde, one can walk across a carved catwalk and gaze down at the riches he has amassed...for a small fee. Don't even think about coming down there without permission though, as he considers that thievery. He does NOT like thievery.


Warm but pleasant weather greets anyone arriving in the ports of this city. With a Mediterranean climate, the cool sea breeze keeps Yuethanil from becoming the sweltering armpits of the cities to its north. However, storms are especially strong in the fall season with hurricane level storms regularly hitting nearby.
Alternative Name(s)
The Jewel of Jamaarok, Tariff Town, That city with the Dragon in it
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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