Binchild Goldcoin Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Binchild Goldcoin

Rogues rely on skill, stealth, and their foes' vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem, demonstrating a resourcefulness and versatility that is the cornerstone of any successful adventuring party. Binchild is a rogue, with the tact and grace of a man raised in a trash can.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Binchild is a young man in his early twenties who has general physical attractiveness, little to no body or facial hair, a slim to average build, and a youthful appearance. Basically, he is rather twink-like in nature.

Apparel & Accessories

Binchild wears pirate-themed regalia, and carries twin daggers- Trick and Treat, gifted to him by Cait Sídhe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Binchild was born in a bin. More specifically, he was born in 7989 in the back streets of the Free Peach City. He built his life from the ground up with his best friend Binjoe at his side. In 8005, in his mid-teens, he made a deal with a demon to fund his restaurant, the Demon Dish, but from there, it was Binjoe's skill and brains that brought the establishment critical acclaim.   In 8006, the City Watch shut down the restaurant due to health code violations. Binjoe was arrested, taken away from Binchild and locked away in the dungeons of Keep Greaves. To cope, Binchild developed a mild addiction to Sundrop. After a few failed attempts at breaking Binjoe out of his prison, he did a few jobs for the Zhentarim before moving to Frost Bay for a more permanent job.   Binchild went from job to job in Frost Bay, before meeting the tiefling Mae in 8007. Binchild met Mae and travelled on the Lucina. Afterwards, Binchild was in a bad spot and almost overdosed on Sundrop before Cathy saved him. She found him, slumped outside the local Scartusks, and used her Lay on Hands for the first time to resuscitate him.   In early 8008, Binchild moved in and shared a flat with Mae in Free Peach City. Together, they had simple low paying jobs that barely covered the rent, but Mae seemed to always be preparing a big score of some kind.   Months later, Binchild started a plan to break Binjoe out of prison. When he got to the prison in question, cloud giants attacked Free Peach City, and apparently, Binjoe had been kidnapped. Binchild sought out Cathy to help him, knowing she was off to paladin training in Salzenstadt.   Binchild caught up with the crew in Nightstone, and travelled with them until rescuing Binjoe from Lyn Armaal.   He died in the Eye of the All-Father, crushed into a pulp by a giant boulder trap. His soul has returned to the demon who he struck a deal with, but if the adventurers he travelled with wish to bring him back, they may be able to travel to Avernus to work something out with the fiends there.


Uh oh

Mental Trauma

Binchild has a fear of being at open sea as a result of his last voyage. Himself and Mae were the only survivors of the wreckage of the Lucina, a ship that travelled just too close to the Arctic Ocean.

Intellectual Characteristics

During his rogue training, Binchild learned thieves' cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows him to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.   In addition, he understands a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves' guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

Personality Characteristics


Binchild has little to no concept of hygiene.




Towards Binchild Goldcoin


Binchild Goldcoin


Towards Gaius




Towards Binchild Goldcoin


Binchild Goldcoin


Towards Dirk



Binchild and Dirk are friends, and travel together in an adventuring party.



Towards Binchild Goldcoin


Binchild Goldcoin


Towards Blart



Blart and Bin met in Goldenfields, in Northfurrow's End. Binchild had been sleeping in the compost bin out the back, when Blart was crying on his own. Binchild asked why, and Blart told him that he was all alone. He had met fellow bugbears, travelled with them for a while, but now he had been left alone. He revealed to Binchild that his home clan had been slain by a purple. Bin and Blart have a strange sense of brotherhood with one another, and Binchild said he would help Blart take his revenge.

Nicknames & Petnames

Blart calls Binchild "brother".

Binchild Goldcoin

Friend (Important)

Towards Cathy Allbright


Cathy Allbright

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Binchild Goldcoin



When Binchild had lost his restaurant, Cathy helped him to get back on his feet. She helped sober him up and cut his addition to Sundrop.


Good Friend

Towards Binchild Goldcoin


Binchild Goldcoin

Good Friend

Towards Mae


Current Location
7989 8009 20 years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm Baguette."
“Can we get mass?”

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