Crownsguard Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Crownsguard are expertly trained paladins of the Order of the Gauntlet who are hired to guard an Alliance king or queen. This faction were founded by Laeral Silverhand, originally created in 8009 to function as her own personal bodyguard. This trend was then adopted by the other kings and queens.  

Laeral's Crownsguard

Ser Thorin the Protector

Ser De-La Crème

De-La is terminally delightful, and always try to make people like him, even to his detriment, which has led to being manipulated in the past. He strives to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Before his knighthood, Ser De-La was a member of the infantry of the army of the Western Plains, trained well by the Order of the Gauntlet. After looking into his background, Laeral chose him as in the defence of his home town, he stood alone against a terrible monster.

Ashley's Paladin

Ciara's Paladin

Ser Joseph Reynolds VI

Joseph was the previous ruler of the Western Plains, an honourable man of the Reynolds line of monarchs. Laeral chose him as he has already proven his dedication to the kingdom, and his respect for Laeral's rule.
Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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