Markovia Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Markovia is an island situated in the Sea of Sorrows. The domain's main inhabitants are Dr. Frantisek Markov and his unique broken ones (tormented humanoids created by the fleshcrafting of animals with Markov's perverse surgical methods). His obsession is the creation of humans from animals, a projected doomed to ultimate failure. His creations are inhuman looking and degenerate slowly back into mere mindless beasts.  

Prior to the Dread Reformation

Prior to 6899, Markovia was ruled by darklord Dr. Frantisek Markov. When the Skorva initiated the reformation, they sent him to Limbo along with Tristessa and the other darklords.  

Prior to the Hour of Ascension

Before the Hour of Ascension, queens Dahlia and Perennia Sunset ruled the Sunset Empire from the Imperial City of Markovia. Dahlia and Perennia ruled justly, providing all with grand spectacles of entertainment. They made sure many wonderful plays and dramas were held in the island's many theatres and stages. The Olympian lesser gods Phantasos and Morpheus took pride in adding a certain unique flair to Markovian performances. From 6899 to 7222, Markovia was a state under the rule of Darkon. It was here that Lolth's daughter, Eilistraee of the Dark Seldarine was warned by a time-travelling Fitzmanny that the Skorva would disregard her as a god in the future and refuse to include her.

In the 7800s

By the time the Darkonian Knights awoke from their slumber in the Temple of Aphrodite, Dr. Frantisek has reinstated himself as darklord and tinkered with the corpses of those left behind by the bronze draconic sorcerers of Urik von Kharkov. He created monstrous draconic creatures and animated them.  

In the Present Day

Dr. Frantisek Markov is a genius—but less so than yesterday. His Markov Formula grants him unparalleled intellect, but it insidiously steals more than it gives, making him increasingly dull-witted and bestial in form. Despairing, the doctor fled to a tropical island he dubbed Markovia, where he tests new versions of his formula on the local fauna in hopes of recovering his waning genius. As a result of these tests, animals across Markovia now possess sapience and have been deluded into believing Markov is their god. In the early 8000s, around the time of the end of the Curse of Strahd, it is home to fey known as darklings. They are much like Vistani in that they are permitted by the mist to leave. Dr. Frantisek still rules as darklord, but allows the darklings to reside there in hiding, as they are descended from the shadow fey that were involved in the founding of Arak and many other Domains of Dread.

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