Sister Garaele Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Sister Garaele

Sister Garaele Goldenheart

Sister Garaele is a young acolyte in service to the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors. She is a cleric of Candlenights and is devoted to her order within the Free Peach City. She is a zealous young elf with platinum blond hair to the shoulder. She may or may not be a member of the Harpers.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Sister Garaele typically wears a high waisted skirt with dark navy blue tights under them. She wears a black button-up shirt with glowing stars embroidered onto it. She usually overlays a navy blue coat on top of her outfit as well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In around 7999, when she was in her late 40s, she was stationed in the village of Phandalin. She was sent there to spread Candlenights cheer, and if she did a good job, she would rise in the ranks of the Watchful Order of Magists. It was there that she met an adventuring party who travelled to Wave Echo Cave, and she was present during the adventure of the Lost Mine of Phandelver.   She told the legend for years to come, and after moving back west to the Free Peach City, she was surprised to find that some of the adventurers had moved there too, and settled down in 45, Binroad District. She kept an eye on them from afar, unsure if they would even recognise her.   Garaele was one of the emergency medics who served the Alliance during the Liberation of the Free Peach, and was even in charge of her own medic camp near the northern entry to the city.   After a building fell on Veo and killed him, despite how creeped out he made her feel, Garaele felt pity, and used Raise Dead to bring him back.   She was investigating Jooge's Barbershop when she finally re-encountered some of the adventurers from Phandalin. She worked with them, and then when it turned out that the creature causing chaos beneath the barbershop was an aspect of Candlenights, she allowed it to put the party to sleep and wipe their memories rather than risk harm coming to them. Then, when a mercenary band began investigating the barbershop, she decided that herself and Diona should help and take down the entity below.   Nearing Candlenights that year, herself, Diona, and Sir Ironheart went north to Breantis, as they were tracking the magical energy of their patron. An adventure ensued in which they travelled alongside bards from the City of Sing and thwarted the creature known as Krampus who had drained all of the Candlenights joy from the city of Okhathage.   After defeating their patron, Garaele and Diona assumed that they would lose much of their power, but this was not the case; they appeared to be capable of channelling divine magic through the willpower of Candlenights alone. They returned to Free Peach City, but Diona left shortly after to follow a new band of adventurers who were in dire need of a cleric.   In February, Garaele accompanied fellow Harpers to Arkney's Love Festival in Arkney.  

Tyranny of Dragons

Garaele, along with other members of the Watchful Order, made sure her home city had activated its Dragonwards when the dragons began attacking. She, alongside Veo, Nick Nara, Diona, Fridae, Sir Ironheart, Droop, Dwr and Binchild Goldcoin defended Binroad Drive from being torn asunder by dragon fire.


Garaele originally intended to study at Zealot Seiddit's Preparatory School for Righteous Girls, but her parents decided against it.


Sister Garaele

Fellow Priest

Towards Diona



Fellow Priest

Towards Sister Garaele


Damian Pokobo

Good Friend

Towards Sister Garaele


Sister Garaele

Good Friend

Towards Damian Pokobo




Towards Sister Garaele


Sister Garaele


Towards Veo


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
9th of January
Year of Birth
7951 59 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fellow priest!"
"Healing powers, activate-!"
"I guess I'm getting objectified in this bar tonight."
"Oh gods no, I'm not going into that barbershop."
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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