Okhathage Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Okhathage is the capital city of Breantis and home to the famous royal family of House de Montajay.  



Notable Locations

Keep de Montajay

Keep de Montajay is situated near the coast, and towers over the rest of the city. It is home to the de Montajays, and the government chambers.  

Training Grounds

Breantian soldiers and squires train in the training grounds around the front of Keep de Montajay.  

Royal Botanical Gardens

The botanical gardens surround the east side of Keep de Montajay.  

King's Theatre

The King's Theatre is the largest theatre in Breantis.  

City Centre

The city centre is a hub for markets and chain locations such as Teffani's, Scartusks, and Flintlock. It's a cheery hub situated equisdistant from most of Okhathage's places of interest.  

The Open Eye

The Open Eye is a fortune telling establishment located near the city centre, and is run by a beholder in the guise of a halfling.  

Moonstone Avenue

Museum of Breantis

The museum is a grand museum in the southern district, between Moonstone Avenue and the Lords' Ward.  


The City Watch has significant presence here, as well as emissaries of the Alliance.  

Industry and Trade

Founding Date
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
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Included Locations
Owning Organization
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