Terra caelum legacy Descent into Avernus Timeline
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Descent into Avernus

  • Since the creation of Mondum until Lucifer's reign
    Blood War
    Military action

    The Blood War was an ancient conflict that raged between the fiends of the lower planes. The two main sides of the war were the demons, inhabitants of the evil plane of chaos of the Abyss, and devils, representing the equally evil but lawful realm of the Nine Hells.

    More reading
    Blood War
  • 910

    Founding of Elturel

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  • 1388


    Reign of Lucifer Morningstar
    Political event

    Lucifer Morningstar came into power of the Nine Hells for thousands of years until Asmodeus knocked him to the Abyss and took the Twisted Crown from him.

  • 7833

    Fall of Elturel
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 7991


    First Automatons
    Technological achievement

    Invention wizards, with the financial support of the Black Rose Clan, began to develop the first automatons. Automatons were the predecessors to the Warforged race, and they had less consciousness or autonomy. In return, the Black Rose Clan extorted advanced technology from the wizards.

  • 8002

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    Automaton Projects
    Technological achievement

    Automatons are invented by Doctor Owens, to run on arcane power, such as soul stones or arcane batteries. The projects lead to the birth of PROJECT WARFORGE, Project Gemini being an offshoot of that.

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  • 8002

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    Lilith's Reign
    Political event

    Lilith came into power after Lizzy's party dethroned Asmodeus and gave her the Twisted Crown.

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  • 8002

    23 /4 15:00

    25 /6 21:00

    The War of Hope and Despair
    Military action
  • 8008

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    Confrontation with Grandma Maggie
    Life, Failure / Mishap

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