Terra caelum legacy History of Ravenloft Timeline
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History of Ravenloft

  • Since the creation of Mondum until Lucifer's reign
    Blood War
    Military action

    The Blood War was an ancient conflict that raged between the fiends of the lower planes. The two main sides of the war were the demons, inhabitants of the evil plane of chaos of the Abyss, and devils, representing the equally evil but lawful realm of the Nine Hells.

    More reading
    Blood War
  • Sometime in the mid 5000s
    Dread Formation
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Domains of Dread formed, from the mists surrounding the Abyss, starting with the domains of Vecna and Kas the Destroyer.

    More reading
    Kas the Destroyer
    Additional timelines
  • 5575

    Formation of the Arak
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Arak, an early Domain of Dread, formed as the shadow fey escaped the Plane of Half-Shadows.

  • 5588

    Formation of Keening
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Loht, the Prince of Shadows, and the brother of Maeve of the Plane of Half-Shadows, commanded the Tristessa and her baby to travel to Mount Lament and left them to die in the sun. Tristessa screamed a dying curse, bringing about the Scourge of Arak. Keening formed from this event.

  • 5689

    Drakov's arrival
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Vlad Drakov and his Talons of the Hawk entered the Mists from Barovia and came out in Darkon. They immediately put the Darkonian villages of Pound, S'Realm, and Glymshire to the torch. The undead retaliated, and Vlad's mercenaries were expelled into the Mists, leaving him alone.

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  • 5690

    Formation of Falkovnia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Falkovnia was formed.

  • 5691

    The Year of Impaled Rats
    Military action

    Falkovnia faced two threats in Silbervas: a rising thieves' guild and an infestation of wererats. They were both led by the Clawed. The period of Falkovnian history known as the Years of Impaled Rats then began.

  • 5694

    End of the Years of Impaled Rats
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Vlad Drakov drove out the wererats (and their leader of Silbervas and Falkovnia altogether). The Years of Impaled Rats period ended.

  • 5695

    The Winter War
    Military action

    Falkovnia invaded Lamordia in the Winter War.

  • 5700

    First Dead Man's War
    Military action

    First Dead Man’s War was waged by Falkovnia upon Darkon.

  • 5743

    Unwald Rottennail's Invasion
    Military action

    A force of Darkonians marched upon Keening with intent on wiping out Marbh-Cathair, later known as the City of the Dead. They were all massacred save for Unwald Rottennail. He went mad and took up residence in Marbh-Cathair.

  • 5751

    Exchange of the Sword

    Loht met with Tristessa at Mount Lament, deceptively exchanging the Eye of Vecna for the Sword of Kas.

  • 5751


    Falkovnia's Final Invasion
    Military action

    Falkovnia launched its fifth and final invasion of Darkon in the March of Doom. Falkovnian forces reached as far north as Nartok before being turned back by the undead one last time.

  • 6899

    Dread Reformation
    Cultural event

    The Skorva, an alliance of lesser gods, began to try and reform the Domains of Dread to become a more peaceful land, where the undead, fey, fiendish and monstrous can coexist with the living.

  • 7221

    Visit from Above
    Life, Death

    During the threat of the Hour of Ascension, a strange entity known only as "S" visited Keening, taking a baby for Tristessa in exchange for safe passage. She was betrayed by the darklord and left on display outside the cave, her body impaled on a series of pikes.

  • 7221


    Training at the Cathedral
    Life, Milestone

    After being recruited to the Darkonian Knights, Hades and the Raven Queen decided to spar against the knights to keep them on their toes.

  • 7221

    19 /12

    Candlenights at the Cathedral
    Cultural event

    The Darkonian Knights and the gods Lolth and Selene gathered at the Cathedral of the Fallen. They had a snowball fight outside, in which Lolth involved all of her children- the members of the Dark Seldarine. Tasha was also present, at the time very good friends with Dwr.

  • 7222

    Urik's takeover of Darkon
    Military action

    Urik von Kharkov teamed up with the quori to take over the realm of Darkon, forcing Hecate to abandon her job as the goddess of the sun and spend her time binding Urik to the city of Necropolis.

    Additional timelines
  • 7700

    Barovian High Council Disbanded

    Additional timelines
  • 7822

    Failure of Saint Markovia
    Military action

    Saint Markovia travelled from the remote island Domain of Dread to Old Barovia to try and challenge Count Strahd von Zarovich. Her expedition and rebellion ended with Vistani and werewolves tearing through the sickly patients of the Abbey of Saint Markovia, however Saint Markovia managed to convince a small group of wolves and Vistani to try and carry on the fight. Saint Markovia also tried to keep Rosalina safe there. Strahd travelled to Krezk with the Darkonian Knights and slaughtered the remaining rebels, as well as transforming the saint into a horrific harpy.

  • 7822

    14 /10

    DN Chapter 1; Keening
  • At some point in 7998
    First attack on the Wizard of Wines
    Military action

    In 7998, one of the vineyard's magic gems was dug up and stolen, and as a result, the winery stopped producing its best vintage, the champagne. No one knows what happened to the gem. Davian Martikov blamed his middle son, Urwin, for the loss because Urwin was on watch the night the gem was taken. Davian was convinced that Urwin shirked his duty to spend time with his betrothed, and the two men had been at odds ever since. To this day, Urwin steadfastly denied his father's accusation.

  • 8008

    12 /3

    Second Attack on the Wizard of Wines
    Military action

    The wereravens had been fending off frequent attacks by Baba Lysaga's scarecrow constructs. Three weeks prior to Ace Ventura's entry to Barovia, during one such attack, another gem was found, dug up, and taken. Davian believed that it was in the possession of Baba Lysaga.

  • 8008

    28 /3

    Third Attack on the Wizard of Wines
    Military action

    Five days prior to Ace Ventura's adventure, evil druids stole the third and final gem and bore it to Yester Hill. The wereravens launched a counterattack on Yester Hill, hoping to get it back, but to no avail. The druids and their blights proved more than a match for the lycanthropes.

  • 8008

    31 /3

    Final attack on the Wizard of Wines
    Military action

    Three days after the last attack, the druids returned with a horde of blights and drove Davian's family from the winery. They'd also poisoned the fermentation vats, leaving the winery with only a few bottles and barrels of drinkable wine.

  • 8008

    2 /4

    3 /4

    COS Chapter 1; Into the Unknown
  • 8008

    5 /4

    COS Chapter 2; The Town of Vallaki
  • 8008

    7 /4

    COS Chapter 3; Of Marshlands and Ruins
  • 8008

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    15 /4

    COS Chapter 4; Divide and Conquer
  • 8008

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    COS Interlude VIII; Made to Measure
  • 8008

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    COS Chapter 5; Dinner with the Devil
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    COS Interlude IX; Bittersweet Reunion
  • 8008

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    COS Chapter 6; The Aftermath
  • 8008

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    COS Chapter 7; Krezk and the Underground
  • 8008

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    COS Chapter 8; Wicked Days and Mongrel Ways
  • 8008

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    COS Chapter 9; This Ends Tonight
  • 8008

    22 /4

    COS Interlude X; Weighing the Options
  • 8008

    25 /4

    Destruction of Barovia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Domains of Dread collapsed briefly as Narrian and Ace Ventura left Old Barovia to be destroyed. A mass exodus occurred prior to this, with some of the Barovians surviving.

    Additional timelines