Breth Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Small market village in the East.  
Breth is a charming, albeit small, village. Clearly the inhabitants like to keep things spick and span, all the houses are well kept and the central areas is used as a market one day of the week. There is a small tavern here, The Three Badgers Inn and other buildings of note. At the far end of the village, almost tucked in to keep it out of sight there is a small Trading Post, unlike the other buildings it does seem a little disheveled, almost unwelcoming which is strange for such a place.   The town is protected by a surrounding wooden wall. There are only two ways in and out of Breth, either via the gatehouse which is manned at all times - its heavy gates secured by two large oak planks and a huge lock that even a mountain troll would strugle to break, and a smaller gate to the east which is only manned for a few hours of the day, at all other times it is kept closed and locked.


Wooden Walls. A gatehouse protects the west entrance and is manned at all times. The east entrance is a large double bolted gate and is not always manned.

Industry & Trade

Market, fishing, passing trade.


Small market village including a Town hall, tavern and shop.


Once a large bustling market stop and gatekeeper of the Eastern road, after the great war the population diminished and now it is mainly inhabited by sixth and seventh generation families and passing traders.


Not so busy as it once was, there is a little tourism in terms of people passing through and looking to rest for a night. Most will stay at the Three Badgers Inn.


Old Fashioned Village and Farm buildings.


Fresh Water is freely available from both the river and the lake. Farmland is well tended all year around and the woods also provide a good source of firewood and food.

Natural Resources

Water, Wood.
Breth Base Map Image


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