Mylrondia Geographic Location in Terralba | World Anvil
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The Land of Fire and Ice

Written by David_Ulph


The geography of Mylrondia is high and mountainous, with the high peaks of the Back of Terralba leading into deep arable valleys leading further into a harsh tundra-like landscape the more north one goes in the landmass. Where the west features long open plains in Lionmidden and Gliniswari, the further east the cold mountain takes over. Full of dormant and extinct volcanoes, these tundras and mountains are naturally heated by cave systems of magma lakes and rivers heating geysers which burst through to the surface. Off the coast are collections of volcanic islands, with only one seemingly left dormant. For the majority of land in the northern coast, Mylrondia is taken up by a sub-region known as the Mistlands known for its thick walls of mist that obscure even the most eagle eyed.
To the north, Mylrondia has a cracked coastline, to the south it is cut off from Elgerlor by the mountain range, the Back of Terralba, save for one small safe passage at the fortress of High Emlyn. To the west is a further mountain range which connects Mylrondia to Skìrah and in the east, Mylrondia has the only landmass connection from the continent of Elgerlia to the Untamed Lands.
Alternative Name(s)
An Fhuilia (Old Speech), the Land of Fire and Ice
Location under
Included Locations
As of the 2100EM Imperial Census, the following demographics were present in the Kingdom;
  • 55% - Bludalfar
  • 8% - Dagor Humans
  • 4% - Losalfar
  • 4% - Mordwynnian Humans

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