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Inverse Siege of Irisone

Decade Long In the Making

It was the Valonian's first siege over the Irgia Republic during the Second Channel War. They used an unusual tactic they prepared for years by dugging the tunnel through the mountain between Sartonia and Irisone, where the army march toward and garrison, which made the offender fought the defenders inside the fortress first.

It was the first time in history that the Valonians fought against the gun-based opponant, even though it was the one who bought their firearms from. It was like the buyer complaining the seller - it wouldn't end well.

The Conflict


The Valonia Empire and the Protectorate of Garol formed an agreement to build a tunnel beneath the Mountain. The tunnel is kilometers long but large enough to let wind from the other side to pass through. It's one of the most ambitious project ever. The empire claimed it will help transporting goods between them and the republic, growing both economy.

While doing so, they befriended the Garol dynasty. After decades of convincing and constructing, they had officially opened the tunnel on the day both family had wedding. However, things became spoiled when the infamous bombing happened, killing the emperor's heir. As they made fully commitment shortly before that, they became the closest alliance, and the former one had been broken. As such, the country decided to aid help.


By the time the infamous speech was made, the Gunner Legion at Sartonia had already marched, or possibly trasported, through the tunnel. I only took the certain hour from both side clocks were reached before they exit. The usage of Catastropium Lantern didn't produce hazard gases unlike ordinary torches, allowing them to move faster.

At first, they confronted companies of Garol/Irg gurads at the end of tunnel, with the goal to garrison to the available fortification. The tunnel entrance was bombed during the initial battle, yet still sturdy and opened just fine. It took a few hours to defeat the Irgs and the ceasefire was made.

Overall, the initial stage ended just before the sunset.

The Engagement

The rest was like ordinary siege, except it was the Irgs who siege the city instead. Irg Legion came to them at first with proper gunners they were trained from. However, the gunner legions' highly skilled close-combat ability alongside shooting capacity, and the endless supplies from the tunnel, could not compromise them at all. It took only around a month before the republic ceased the siege operation, and retreated from the city's wall.


Valonian fully garrison the capital city of Garol. This allowed more troops to get to the republic territory, starting the larger invasion with a series of sieges, marchings, and engagements. The event made the significant turning point as the republic not only has to defend the empire from the Wall of Irgian, but also the city they promised to protect.

To ensure the empire's non-agreessive opinion, the Military Access between both nations were signed with Valonian troops helped improving the city in return.


After the end of the war, the Irisone remained the capital city of now independent Kingdom of Garol, which became the biggest alliance of the empire. More Valonians came in, thriving the Irisone into a larger community, and most of all, infiltrating the local government into their submission, a long but smooth progress.

Historical Significance

Technological Advancement

They used the crystal gears as a primary forces. It used crushed Catastropium, the magical explosive material as gunpowder. Catasoones were heavily used to defeat the enemy at the gate. The Irg also had Catasoones, though unable to use blindly when crystal were limited.

Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
6th May, 50 VE
Ending Date
20th June, 50 VE
Conflict Result
Valonian victory



2,000 legionaries
400 cannones
4,000 legionaries


115 losses
20 cannones broke
1,989 losses


Fully controlled the Irisone
Defeat incoming Irgs
Take back Irisone
This article is part of the Irgian-Arwish Conflict ORGANIZATION CHART NOT AVAILABLE
Second Channel War
Military Conflict | Dec 7, 2022
So Be Prepared
Document | Aug 1, 2023


Author's Notes

For Summer Camp 2024
18/7/2024 - 3rd prompt submitted!

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Jul 17, 2024 21:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really interesting article - I enjoy that it is part of a whole series of articles on the war. Interesting that it was their firt time going up against guns.