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Johnnis Morriwether

Deputy Guildmaster Johnnis Willem Morriwether (a.k.a. John)

Deputy Guildmaster, The Adventurer's Guild 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

For a middle-aged man, Johnnis takes his physical fitness very seriously. He runs three miles each morning, and practices body weight exercises daily as well. He has very little body fat.

Identifying Characteristics

His eyes stand out, they are the first thing most people notice about Johnnis

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Johnnis grew up the son of a poor farming family, who one day dreamed of achieving a life of some ambition. His father was a hardworking farmer, and his mother was disabled, able to do rudimentary tasks around the home and little else. He learned throughout his primitive years that he had some skill with a training sword, and his father showed him the basics of swordsmanship. Though his skills were far from perfect, Johnnis was greatly intrigued by the art of wielding and swinging a sword. When he was 13, his father died in a tragic fishing accident in The North Sea, and he and his mother were left to survive on their own.   Johnnis and his mother moved to the city of Bryn, where they came under the service of the church. Johnnis studied the teachings of Alma and became an acolyte, while his mother trained with the apothecaries. It was a simple life, and an honest life. Johnnis, however, was unfulfilled, and sought more for himself beyond the church. In his free time, he hung around the local chapter of The Adventurer's Guild, hoping to make some acquaintances, and meet some influential people. It was here that he first met Vennik Krennshyre, a local city boy with similar aspirations to one day join the guild and live a daring life as an adventurer.   Vennik Krennshyre, having grown up in the city of Bryn, had already established relationships through his family with the guild, and had plans to attend The Dûnadaïn Conservatory in The City of Merciwyne , and then to join The Adventurer's Guild thereafter. Johnnis did not have the luxury of having these connections. He could take a loan from The Bank of Merciwyne, yes, but The Dûnadaïn Conservatory requires prospective students to have multiple letters of recommendation in their support during the consideration of applicants.     Over the course of the next three years, from the ages of 15 to 18, Johnnis continued his work within the church. His friendship with Vennik Krennshyre also grew, and Johnnis' hard work was noticed by influential people with Vennik Krennshyre's circle. Johnnis was able to acquire the letters of reference he needed to apply to the Conservatory in The City of Merciwyne, and he was accepted. He attended with his friend, and they both successfully completed the course of study, Johnnik specializing as a fighter, and Vennik Krennshyre as a warlock. They both received their Dûnaic Seals, and officially became guild members at the young age of 20.

Personality Characteristics


Johnnis is motivated to serve his close friend, Vennik Krennshyre, as well as The Adventurer's Guild. His post-war life is devoted to rebuilding the guild that he grew up hoping to one day join, that fell in to somewhat of a state of disorder in the many years following the war. 

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Johnnis is extremely charismatic. Unlike his close friend Vennik Krennshyre, who is tenacious and often times gruff, Johnnis finds it easy to exercise empathy, and can play to the emotions of those with which he is speaking. 
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
11 Sumorah
Year of Birth
2097 AD 45 Years old
Male human
PIercing blue
Gray, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, some age lines
Aligned Organization


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