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The Merciwyne Archives

Purpose / Function

The Merciwyne Archives is the home of every bit of recorded fiction and nonfiction obtained by local scholars and historians, dating as far back as the first age. Tomes, scrolls, books, and magical spellbooks line the walls and shelves of this aging, wooden library on a corner street in Upper Merciwyne. 


The building has been repaired several times over the centuries, but no major additions or renovations have taken place. The original architectural idea of the archives is largely still intact. The exterior of the building is moderately sized, but the interior is vast, with a basement section housing several thousand more works.


The building was originally built as a home for one of the noble houses of the Duke's Court, but quickly came to be used as a meeting room. The first owner was believed to be a cartographer, and used the first floor of his home to graph maps of The City of Merciwyne and the surrounding areas. For a time, the Duke utilized this area of the noble's home as a war room when the keep was undergoing modifications, and upon completion, commissioned the home to be transitioned into the first official archives. The cartographer that lived in the home was given a suite inside the keep to live in, as well as all the amenities that came from living in the keep, to which he gladly accepted. 
Founding Date
1644 AD
Alternative Names
The Merciwyne Library
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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