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The orcs of Throk'gar Outpost, best known within the Greenwood as the Throks, are a sub-race of orcs that have survived isolated atop their plateau since at least 3300, 1E. The Throks have held a reputation as fearsome, violent elf-kin since their arrival into the Eastern Greenwood.


The orcs arrived to the modern Eastern Greenwood in the early First Era. Having pushed westward through a series of raiding parties, the orcs established a long chain of territorial control, stretching from the western highlands all the way to the plateau that is currently home to Throk'gar Outpost. The discovery of Orangechalcum under the outpost cemented Throk'gar's status as an extremely important location for the orcish society, leading to keeping the population much higher than most settlements of the orcs would be along their territory. This lack of population along the orcish territory would lead to their downfall, as the Olosse would ultimately attack the central stretch of orcs, causing many to abandon their posts and attempt to avenge the deaths of their fellow orcs. The reinforcements, however, would not come in large enough numbers, allowing the wood elves to continue taking out the orcs, until eventually the raiding parties were forced to completely cease. The rare few orcs left between Throk'gar and Estelión retreated to the outpost, while those west of Estelión retreated back to the westerns highlands, leaving Throk'gar completely isolated.
  Despite this isolation, the Throks were able to solidify their small territory of the plateau, and small deforested hunting region to its west, known as the Killing Fields. Bolstered by their exceptionally durable weaponry and defensive equipment made from orangechalcum, the Throks would continue to hold regional raiding parties for a few centuries, seeking goods rather than territorial conquest. However, as the population of the Greenwood bounced back, these raiding parties would begin to fail far more than they would succeed, leading the Throks to slowly halt these violent activities. Eventually, diplomatic relations would be fostered between those of the Greenwood and the Throks, as the orcs finally acquiesced to trading agreements with the wood elves. These trades were indirect, comprising of dead drops of goods - usually food and organic materials coming from the elves, while the Throks would offer orangchalcum in various forms. Eventually this trade agreement came to an end, as the Throks failed to continue keeping up with their promised volume of the precious metal. Today, the Throks mostly keep to themselves, as a raiding party has not been launched from the outpost since the late First Era. However, the legends of the raids still hang over the Greenwood, and as such, both the citizens of the Greenwood and travelers alike avoid the plateau, Whisper Brook Mine, and the killing fields at all costs, else risk their lives to the whims of the Throks.


Major language groups and dialects

The Throks continue to speak Orcish in the modern day, though their dialect has become unique, borrowing some tones and syllabic pronunciations from the local common tongue of the Greenwood. The exact variations are rarely heard in by individuals as the western highlands are rarely explored, leaving those who experience raids in the western lands as the only ones uniquely prepared to hear multiple Orcish dialects, though rarely prepared to record any notation, as survival is paramount during such raids.

Culture and cultural heritage

Strength, dominance, and status lord over the culture of the Throks. Throks will often attempt to assert themselves through various feats of strength and combat, whether it be through courtship battles, hunting, or personal challenges. These feats allow orcs to establish dominance over each other, allowing anyone to climb the social hierarchy up to the point of nobility.

Common Dress code

Throk dress is made up primarily of leather and Orangechalcum. Kilts are common on both males and females, with females often wearing a wrap or shawl of leather on their torso as well. These tops rarely cover the abdomen in an effort to show off one's girth, and thus societal status.

Art & Architecture

Throk architecture almost exclusively utilizes wood with some stonework included as foundation. The building process is fairly crude, and focuses entirely on function over form, even for the buildings of the leadership. Despite their visually crude nature, the orcish building style is incredibly sturdy.
Throk'gar Outpost

Foods & Cuisine

Throkish cuisine is dominated by meat. Hunted from the Killing Fields to the west of Throk'gar Outpost, the meat typically consists of venison, boar, elk, and bear, with owlbear occasionally mixed in. While Throks are not entirely carnivorous, it is only in times of hunting droughts that plant-based foods will featuring as anything other than side-dishes.

Coming of Age Rites

While Gashes do not need to prove their mettle through any coming of age rituals, Gars must prove themselves in order to become an eligible Gar. This age-old rite requires a young gar to enter the killing fields alone, hunt down an animal of prey, process it, and return to the outpost with their kill fully processed, offering the hide and best cuts of meat to their parents, with the remaining meat going to the nobility as tribute. While any successful hunt by an aging Gar is cause for celebration, they will be judged by the size of their kill.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The final stage of a Throks life is their funeral. Believing that all orcs as literally strength incarnate, the deceased is first paraded through the outpost so that all may grieve the departed. Once the procession is complete, the deceased is thrown into the smelting fire, as the Throks believe their strength will be imbued into the metal that is being cast at the time.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty and attraction within the orcish culture is tied directly to strength and power. While large, bulging muscles represent one's strength, a girthy midsection reveals one's level of power, as the most powerful often have the most access to food. As such, the ideal symbol of beauty among the Throks is a large stomach matched with large, toned muscles on the legs, arms and shoulders - regardless of gender or attraction.

Gender Ideals

Within Throkish culture, gender roles and ideals are virtually non-existent. Throks of all genders are able to take on any role within the outpost. This lends to a stronger and more dangerous peoples as all Throks are expected to vicious warriors regardless of status, age or gender. This plays out within households as well, as all genders fill the roles of Gar and Gash1, with many same sex households existing within the community.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Throks is swift and violent. Gars are dominant partners in relationships, and lead the head of their household, while Gashes are the submissive partners in these relationships. When a Gash comes of age and is ready to be wed, they will be presented to the community by their parents as available. Eligible Gars - both single Gars of average status, along with noble Gars of any relationship status - will battle for the Gash. These battles are exceptionally violent, typically featuring at least one casualty for every third battle within the outpost. The victorious Gar wins the opportunity to wed the available Gash, though on occasion the Gash will be gifted to another Gar, typically as tribute for a personal debt.

Relationship Ideals

Throks have a very dominant-submissive standard within their marital relationships. Gars are heads of households and rule their homes with stoic, yet forecful authority, while Gashes will submit to their Gar, and support their decision making in every way.
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1 - Gar meaning "Hammer" and Gash meaning "Hammered One" in common tongue.
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"Throk'gar Orcs" Generated with AI ∙ July 30, 2024 at 3:44 PM


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