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Estelión is a settlement that was founded by Aéldelinian refugees in the immediate aftermath of The Separation. Settling in the lowlands of the newly formed Northern Basin of the Northern Greenwood, the Aéldelinians chose a location that seemed to lack much elevation in the hope that any further tectonic activity would spare them from crumbling land above. These refugees named this settlement Estelión, or "Land of Hope".


Settled by the Aéldelinians, Estelión is among the highest populations of Wood Elves within the Greenwood today. With over 97% of the population remaining elven, Estelión's population has arguably the closest ties to the original Aéldelin culture throughout the Greenwood.


Estelión operates under the standard decentralized form of governance common within the Greenwood Culture. The Circle of Elders presides over the community when necessary, while daily activities are conducted on a equal basis between any and all citizens. The Circle comprises of 5 Elders, with no more than 3 men or women within the circle at any given time. Disputes between citizens remain rare and are typically easily solved in this settlement, with the rare unresolved dispute coming to arbitration under 3 of the 5 Elders.
  Due to its location and status as one of the oldest settlements of the Greenwood, Estelión is a common meeting place for the Convention of Elders when it occurs.


Much like other settlements within the Greenwood, Estelión features the natural defences present within the Aldatúrë style of construction. Utilizing living materials within the forest, the structures of Estelión hide themselves in plain sight, allowing the locals to seamlessly hide themselves when threats approach, protecting both people and property. This served particularly useful during the Orcish Raiding Parties, as the village was able to avoid detection from the orcs, saving countless lives and protecting all structures within the community.


In response to the destruction of the Elderwood, the Aéldelinians took a different approach to the construction of the settlement. Estelión features a decentralized collection of structures across a large expanse, making the settlement more of a loose association rather than a distinct location with proper districts. The concept to spread out was in response to the collapsing of land that occurred during the Separation, as having the elves and their abodes spaced out would ideally result in a lower number of casualties from any further tectonic destruction. Though the community has shrunk over time as citizens from the Land of Hope set off to settle new villages, Estelión remains largely spread out and lacking in any distinct districts.

Guilds and Factions

Estelión is home to the largest group of historians and scribes within the Greenwood, known as the Historian's Collective. Formed in the early Second Era, the collective was inspired by not only the works of Talamus Wynned, but also by his recurring stays within the village. Due to the settlement's close connection to the ancient Aéldelin culture, Wynned made many return trips to the town, collecting legends, myths, and interviews with various elders within the community, the collection of which made up the bulk of his Histories of Dendralis.
  By the time written language became common for all lay people, the elder citizens of Estelión recognized that little work had been done to build upon the Wynned's efforts, leaving the state of Aéldelin history relatively unchanged for centuries. Thanks to an already rich knowledge of Aéldelin culture within Estelión, these citizens took it upon themselves to begin recording this knowledge that failed to make it within the various editions of Wynned's Histories. These recordings resulted in the three-volume set - Aéldelin Anthologies: Stories of the Elderwood. The Historian's Collective generated their name when publishing this set of tomes, as over 20 authors took part in writing the books, and citing each author would have required additional material for printing.


Estelión was founded in 3711, 1E, immediately in the aftermath of the Separation. As refugees from the other regions of the Elderwood flocked to the south as the ground shook below them, many found themselves in the newly formed basin to the south of the Central Steppes as they fled from areas of varied elevation. These areas of mixed elevation were among the most dangerous areas to be as high cliffs would topple over, and many elevated areas dropped out from below the feet of the Aéldelinians, making the low-lying Northern Basin arguably the safest region in the remaining forest. The name Estelión was intentionally chosen as a representation of the hope the refugees had for rebuilding their once great civilization.
  According to accounts, the town of Estelión originally held a population over 15,000 as most of the surviving Aéldelinians from outside the southern Elderwood traveled to this region of minimal destruction. The displaced wood elves found themselves settling this area in a much more spread-out fashion than they had historically done, with the hope of suffering less casualties should any aftershocks from the Separation occur. Additionally, many nomadic Aéldelinians also settled in the region in hopes of avoiding isolation from others in the event of further catastrophe. In settling this refuge, the surviving wood elves utilized Aldature construction methods to build their structures, leaning into reviving their connection with the forest, while attempting to return to the safety of the hidden building style. This decision would be prescient, as it served to save thousands of elves during the Orcish Raiding Parties a few centuries later.
  During the Raiding Parties of the early First Era, Estelión would again become a refuge for the wood elves, as the orcs tore their way westward through the Greenwood. Taking in the vast majority of nomadic communities at the time, Estelión leaned heavily into their hidden architecture, providing a hiding place for the elves while the hordes pushed through the region. Casualties were nearly non-existent as the defence system worked perfectly against the bloodthirsty and land hungry orcs. The effort to push the orcs back was launched from Estelión as well, as hidden archers would pick off orcs which attempted to settle the region, ultimately cutting off the middle section of orcs, causing those in the west to retreat to the region, where the same fate would await the new hordes returning to avenge their losses. These archers would later become the first order of Rangers within the Greenwood Culture.
  In the ensuing generations many Estels would leave the settlement. The earliest elves to leave set off to form new nomadic communities, exploring the edges of their shrunken homeland of the Greenwood. Many of these communities still exist in the northern and western regions of the forest. In the early and mid-third millennium of the First Era, a number of Estels would set off to establish new settlements within the Greenwood, primarily to the East, resulting in the founding of villages such as Weltondale, Breakwater Falls, and Aleura. Today, nearly all communities and settlements within the Greenwood - aside from those of the southern Greenwood - can trace their lineage back to the early days of the Greenwood, and Estelión.


Being deep in the heart of the Greenwood with no paved routes to the village, Estelión rarely sees visitors from outside of the Greenwood. The occasional veteran hunting party will stop through the area, typically camping on the southern banks of the Eldertide River in a sign of respect for the space occupied by the Estels. However, most intentional visits to the community from foreigners come from the occasional historian or scribe coming to the region. Seen as the proverbial home of Talamus Wynned, and the heart of historical record in the Greenwood, Estelión is a must-stop location for any scholars looking to learn more about the history and tradition of the Greenwood and Elderwood. Though these visits are too sparse to form any sort of tourism industry, these guests are treated extremely well by the locals, as the journey to the village is extremely difficult, leading to only the most ardent students of history being able to complete the trek.
Estel means "hope" and -ión is a suffix meaning "land" or "place" – Land of Hope
Founding Date
3711, 1E
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Hope
New Hope Town
Inhabitant Demonym
Estelers - "The Hopeful"
Location under
All images other than the Summer Camp 2024 logo were created by the author with Bing Copilot | Designer
"Estelión" Generated with AI ∙ July 23, 2024 at 12:02 PM


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