Invasion of the Mountain King Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Invasion of the Mountain King

In the lead up to the event that would become known as the Invasion of the Mountain King, the aggressiveness of hordes out of the Agrios Agnosto became very concerning. These raids were happening more and more quickly, and the creatures were becoming more and more relentless. During a raid on the northern village Keronth the defenders captured a wounded, human like creature. As it healed it slowly regained civility, revealing itself as a Mycretians named Pran. The Mycretians were a small civilization of humanfolk that had carved out an existence in the Agrios Agnosto. His people had lived there since before The Terranian Awakening. He told them a story of an evil entity within the Agrios Agnosto. It was forcing the inhabitants, regardless of ancestry, into subservience to him. He meant to conquer the entire Agrios Agnosto and in turn invade the human's land to the south. Pran had been sent as a messenger from his settlement, to warn the humans, and request support in their struggle. Upon hearing the report, the Imperial Chamber in Tyronopolis waved it off as ludicrous and instead decided to focus on bolstering the border defenses. One member of the council, Perithes ; Strategos of Nevma did not believe in ignoring the revelation. He instead took a leave of absence from the Chamber and set off to pick up Pran and investigate this story.   As Perithes and a detachment of his Sacred Band left with Pran for the Agrios Agnosto, they were joined by Estmyra Mystbringer on behalf of the The Academy of Arcanium and Kronli Oathsworn. Later on, they were joined by Alethia; Herald of Remiel a Aasimar claiming to be the Herald of the Celestial hero Archangel Remiel .   Pran lead the legion to a settlement deep within the Agrios Agnosto to a settlement called Illylia's Bastion. There they meet the leader of the settlement, Baersis. She explained who the Mycretians were, and their relationship to the battle of the Archangel Remiel and Tammurz . They are the descendants of the Mycretians that allied with Remiel. And therefore, are the protectors ofThe Corrupted Relics of Remiel . Over the centuries the scattered settlements of the Mycretains became disconnected, as many fell to the creatures that constantly streamed through the cracks and creases linking our plane to many others. They further explained that the Mountain King was a former Mycretian that came into possession of a relic, which he wore, and thus became corrupted by Tammuz's essence. The Mountain King is committed to carrying out Tammurz's ambition by uniting the relics and releasing the evil entity to continue its dark crusade in our lands. Baersis asks the Terranians to journey through the Agrios Agnosto, find the remaining relics and prevent The Mountain King from releasing Tammurz. Perithes and the others realizing the dire circumstances, agree. Baersis gives them a clue as to where the closest relic might be but warns of great dangers lurking in dark reaches of the land.   After obtaining the first relic, Estmyra and Alethia were able to figure out how to harness the deeply buried corruption in the relic to ping out and point them in the direction of other relics. But in doing so, they revealed themselves to The Mountain, who began telepathically communicating with them through the relic, and tracks their movements. But Estmyra and Alethia are able to do the same. Using this circumstance, the team discovered a few more relics, and kept the Mountain King at arm's reach.   Later on, Estmyra discovered one of the relics is housed in a vault beneath the city of Heraloniki. Knowing the Mountain also discovered this information, Estmyra comes up with a plan to distract The Mountain King and lay a trap. Kronli and large part of the Sacred Band moved to reinforce Heraloniki, while the remaining members set up an elaborate trap in the Agrios Agnosto by luring the Mountain King and half his force away from city. Through a cleaver use of illusions, portals, misinformation and Alethia as bait, they get the Mountain King to follow them far away from the city. As his force closed in on their group, Estmyra teleport them from danger leaving the Mountain King and his force alone, deep in the Agrios Agnosto. In Heraloniki, Kronli and the Sacred Band held the defenses long enough for reinforcements from Nevma and Thesslion to arrive. They surrounded the army of the Mountain King and destroyed it.   But the success was short lived, as The Mountain King quickly obtained the last two relics before the group of heroes could respond: giving him four of the eight relics. The group knew the longer the Mountain King possessed the relics, the more powerful he could become. Therefore, Perithes realized they needed to force a final confrontation on their terms to avoid being overmatched. He devised a plan to use the last relic; The Sword of Tammurz; housed in Tyronopolis, to lure The Mountain King into a battle they could win. Perithes went to the Imperial Chamber in an effort to convince them it was necessary. He was able to gain support from the majority of the council, but the Primgetis Euclides of Athenera vetoed the plan. Perithes responded by calling for a new election. In short order, Perithes won, becoming Primigetis of the Heleninum. But as he was finalizing the plan, Euclides led a coup in Tyronopolis. It was ultimately a failure, but during the melee, Perithes was mortally wounded. He held on to life as long as could, to see the end.   The final battle was set to happen in the plains outside Nevma. With the last four relics outside Tyronopolis, the Mountain King pushed forward with his army. The battle was long and ferocious, and as its dragged Alethia realized The Mountain King was too powerful for them to overcome. In a last ditch attepmt to stop the Mountsin King she donned the Corrupted Artifacts, and ran off to a final confrontation. A massive duel between them filled the plains with fires of the infernal and celestial. The opposing armies, unable to withstand the blasts of pure energy, retreated. Eventually, Alethia was able to land the killing blow, ending the Mountain Kings reign. But severely wounded, the corruption of Tammurz began to overcome Alethia celestial willpower and she soon lost control. Estmyra and Kronli attempted to subdue her, but she was too powerful. But as it seemed all was lost; The Archangel Remiel appeared on the battlefield. His aura ceased the corruption of Alethia, but her wounds from the battle were too deep and she took her final breath on this plane. Remiel declared her Terranian's greatest hero and took her essence and body with him to the Celestial Realm, as she had earned a spot among their chosen. He also took with him the Corrupted Relics, as they were deemed too dangerous to be left in this realm once again.
The Sacred Band Investigating a ruin deep within the Agrios Agnosto - by Myather Ollinso 1732 AC
1247 AC - 1252 AC


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