Pyrhem's Calamity Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Pyrhem's Calamity

The Calamity was a violent and destructive period of Terranian History lasting from 1235 to 1247 AC. Launched by the brutal raiding and sacking of cities by the paragons of Malar, Pyrhem Wrathbringer and his dark advisor Ancalmo . Many cities and settlements along the Medialulem Sea were left as smoldering ruins, with untold numbers of dead buried under ash.   After ascending to the petty throne of Myorpolis, and bullying the Heleninum Imperial Chamber into neutrality, Pyrhem Wrathbringer began his vicious assault against Terrania. He stomped a bloody path all along the coast of the Medialulem Sea, sacking grand cities such as Athenera, Tunesta, Symera, Knosis, and Ayden. His armies were bloodthirsty, drunk on worship of the condemned god Malar. This zealotry was in large part due to Ancalmo. He was able to corrupt and twist the minds of many through his mastery of dark magic, and the dogma of Malar. He and his zealots erected massive structures that using arcane arts and artifacts, enhanced Malar's corruption of our land and deepened the bloodthirst of any folks caught in its waves of energy. Anyone able to resist the dark energy was savagely butchered to the pleasure of all those around.   Ultimately, the tide was turned against Pyrhem's Bloodhorde after the failure of the The Great Siege of Eridenne from 1240-1241AC. Thanks to the heroics of Eridennes defenders, especially the group that would become known as The Sentinels of Terrania and the rigorous research by Valorie Boldwinter and her entourage, the city held on and Pyrhems army was stymied. This allowed the combined forces of the Humanities Beckon (A patchwork alliance of armies from Ankerya, Toussaint and Heleninum) under command of Prince Jean of Toussaint to attack the rear of the siege, breaking it, and sending Pyrhem in a disastrous retreat back to Myorpolis.   Pyrhem was now on the defensive. The forces of Humanities Beckon slowly closed in on Myorpolis, as Pyrhem fought a losing battle. As Prince Jean kept the main Bloodhorde distracted, the Sentinels were able to move around the domain of Myorpolis, disabling and destroying the numerous structures built to spread Malar's corruption. With his army seemingly evaporating as Malar's influence wanned, Pyrhem moved to hide in his bastion in the heart of Myorpolis. Humanties Beckon sieged the fortress, and slowly squeezed in around Pyrhem. The Sentinels were tasked with the final assault, where they speared into the Pyrhem's lair, killing him and ending his threat.   But the Calamity was not over. Ancalmo had fled Pyrhems side and moved to his own fortress high up in the Owlwatch mountains. From here he was attempting to perform a great ritual, that would open a portal large enough in this plane to allow the chaos of Malar to fill our world. The Sentinels pursued Ancalmo, and eventually slew him deep in his temple before he could finish the ritual.
The Siege of Knosis, 1239 AC
Duration: 1235 to 1247 AC
Location: Along the coast of the Medialulem Sea
Belligerents: Pyrhem's Bloodhorde vs Medialulem Sea Cities & Humanities Beckon
Result: Pyrhem's defeat; return to status quo


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