Pyrhem Wrathbringer Character in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Pyrhem Wrathbringer

Pyrhem Wrathbringer was the principal antagonist of the destructive period of time known as Pyrhem's Calamity . His bloodlust caused untold death and pushed Terrania to the brink of total collapse.   Pyrhem was born Pryhem Andino in a small town outside Myorpolis. The Andino's were a noble family that held large farming estates around the city. As a young man Pyrhem, idolizing the exploits of Acastus The Great , left his families estate to join the Acastus Consortium and after a few years, got a posting in Nevma. It is here where the facts of his life begin to fuzz. At some point he joined a campaign into the The Agrios Agnosto and may have been wounded, or simply fled. Either way, his whereabouts were unknown until he appeared back in Myropolis in 1220 AC. At this point he was often seen with a man in black named Ancalmo .   Over the next decade, Pryhem devoted himself to Myropolis politics. Utilizing the Andino fortune and name, along with Ancalmo's guidance, Pryhem rose quickly through the ranks of the political hierarchy of Myorpolis until he was the Prime Minister of the Myorpolis ruling council. From here, under the guise of a massive crack down on corruption, Pryhem and Ancalmo began purging opposition members until Pyrhem held sole control of the council. From here, on charges of treason and corruption, Pyrhem arrested and executed the Petty King, Lynorn Euridis. Celebrated as a hero by his sycophant's in the council, he was quickly and without opposition elected Petty King of Myorpolis in 1229 AC.   Pryhem's Myorpolis was a dictatorship, and violent one as well. Any and all subversive acts or mere words were met with quick and horrific retribution. The streets of Myorpolis were said to have been lined with thousands of heads on pikes. At this point, Pyrhems rule had drawn the ire of the Imperial Chamber at Tyranopolis. In 1231 AC they sent a small detachment of diplomats to try and reason with Pryhem. Pyrhem responded by sending their severed body parts back to Tyranopolis. Enraged, the Chamber organized a army to forcefully remove Pyrhem. On the way to Myorpolis, the Chamber Army was ambushed at the Infernal Gates along the coast by Pyrhems army. The entire Chamber army was massacred; the Chamber learned of this when the general's head was returned to them.. in a bag filled with the severed genitalia of all his officers.   Pyrhem used this as justification for his resulting rampaging across Western plain. He marched his army from village to village, sacking and pillaging all. Through coercion and mental anguish, those deemed worthy could live and join his army. Those deemed not were brutally tortured and massacred. It was here were the rumors of Pyrhems Malar Worship began. With Sparanta in their sights, the Chamber reluctantly sued for peace, legitimizing Pyrhem's rule in 1233 AC.   His bloodlust not yet sated, Pyrhem used his solid position in Heleninum to launch a massive raid on the coasts of the Medialulem Sea in 1235 AC, starting what would become known as Pyrhem's Calamity . Over the next few years, Pyrhem sacked and razed numerous small cities in Ankerya and Toussaint . Those governments demanded The Imperial Chamber step in and stop Pyrhem, but as the Imperium was busy bracing against the Invasion of the Mountain King they could offer little accord. Ankerya and Toussaint attempt to defeat Pyrhem's armies, but where soundly and effortless defeated every time. The worst defeat coming outside Tunesta in 1236 AC. The city was left defenseless, and his horde spent months razing it to the ground. His armies were said to be completely crazed by bloodthrist. They never broke, never relented, never stopped their berserk onslaughts. This barbarity did not stop once the battle had.   By this point, Pyrhem became much more aggressive. In 1238 he launched a massive raid on Athenera, sacking huge swathes of the city, and leveling much of its outer parts. The next year Knosis meet a similar fate. Left without the option of neutrality, The Imperial Chamber once again rose an army to take down Pyrhem. But, before they could, Pyrhem and his great horde set out of the crown jewel of the Medialulem Sea; Eridenne. Thus began The Great Siege of Eridenne . For over a year, the defenders of Eridenne fought valiantly against Pyrhem's onslaught. Thanks to he heroics of the The Sentinels of Terrania , Pyrhem was forced to retreat, but not until significant portions of the city had been brought to dust. It is at this point Anclamo left his side.   At this point, Pyrhem was one the defensive. The armies of the Imperial Chamber, Ankerya and Toussaint closed in on him. Over the next four years he fought a ferocious but losing battle. The combined forces closed in on Myorpolis, assaulting it in 1245 AC. Pyrhem was slain by The Sentinals deep within his citadel, and thus ended the his rampage.
Name: Pyrhem "Wrathbringer" Andino
Titles: Petty King of Myorpolis, Champion of Malar, The Wrathbringer, The One of Bloodlust
Lifespan: 1198 AC - 1245 AC


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