Madrinada Temple Guard Military Formation in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Madrinada Temple Guard

Official legions of the Diet of Cordiboya of Madrinada . Was originally a loose collection of independent groups helping guard individual temples throughout Madrinada. During the Diet's creation, it was decided the Diet needed a coordinated defense force. Therefore, they conscripted the various units into a single entity under the authority of Prime-Commander; who was elected by the Diet and served a ten-year posting. The current Prime-Commander is Redelia Vergrass of Armedia.   Detachments of the Temple Guard are often sent aboard to help situations deemed potentially regional destabilizing by the Diet, for instance in Primrose , Toussaint and Varangia .
Founded: 1389 AC
Headquarters: Cordiboya, Madrinada
Leader: Redelia Vergrass of Armedia


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