Madrinada Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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An old Alessian saying follow’s “ulk katos ulm urdurch” (From Chaos comes Order). Madrinada lives up to that saying. Over three centuries before, the area was ravaged by constant war and strife. Yet, seeing their current leaders govern themselves would turn any skeptic into a believer. After a daring call to unity by its religious leaders Madrinada became a land of peace and stability.  


The Serene is ruled by the Diet of Cordiboya. It's a 26-seat council composed of a representative of each deity of The Pantheon. There have been at times, certain seats that have been temporarily barred for various reasons, but it is this Diet that governs both internal and external affairs. Each representative is chosen by the respective religious organization through a nomination process. Aside from the main council, representatives will also serve on smaller sub-councils devoted to specific interests like trade, military and diplomacy. The sub-councils bring legislation to the main council to be debated, amended and if passed, codified.   The cities and settlements themselves are ruled by wide assortment of individuals or committees. Much like Primrose many entities carried over their power structures when entering into the Diet's mandate. Thats why for example, Purto is ruled by a Duke, and Barcalzoa a elected committee. Each city as a certain level of autonomy within their borders, but decisions that come directly from the Diet supersede any similar laws or norms across the land.   The Serene Land has proven itself to be a champion of diplomacy, and an ally to any fighting against agents of chaos or evil. On behalf of the Diet, Madrinada Temple Guard have been sent around Terrania to help and support those in need of righteous zeal.  


The dedication to the gods in its cities show has naturally attracted many folks brimming with piety. The four Great Paladin Orders of Terrania:The Sententia The Santus Leo Eques , The Clamor of Resolve , Clarus Oriens are headquartered here, and many aspiring Clerics complete their studies in the many temples strewn across Madrinada. Yet that piety has helped foster an incredibly festive atmosphere. Cities across Madrinada hold week long elaborate festivals and parties, celebrating various aspect of deities' worship. Visitors might be taken aback to the fact that seemingly every week in Madrinada contains some sort of massive celebration. Wine, food, dance, music and merriment is almost never in short supply.


One of the earliest recorded events in the lands of Madrinada is the mysterious period known as the The Long Death starting in 133 AC. The scant details come from the writings and surviving art of an old civilization known as The Lalethians . Researchers still have not uncovered all the details regarding both the Lalethians and Long Death, but new discoveries are made seemingly every day.    Western Madrinada endured a period known as the The Great Upheaval . From about 667 - 1017 AC, the lands were ravaged by constant bloodshed and war. The long lasting effects from this period seeped into future generations. The folks of Madrinada were suffering, and its lands barren.   In 1386 AC in the city of Cordiboya; a spark of peace was ignited. The head Tyr Priest in Cordiboya (Danilo Oathsworn) sent out a call to all The Pantheon Priests across the Madrinada, from Menosca to Delacroix. Surprisingly Temples heeded his call and sent delegates. Over 12 days and 13 nights, they convened and eventually concluded stability needed to be achieved; and without it, folks would drift too far from their deities. In 1388 AC, The Serene Madrinada was codified and thusly, endeavored to unite the land. While many regional powers acquiesced to the Diet of Cordiboya without a fight in exchange for keeping relative power in their regions, there were many that resisted. Power hunger entities had no stomach for relinquishing their conquered power. As a result, the Diet of Cordiboya used its righteous and holy army to forcefully dislodge the terrorizers. In the wildest, and most perplexing period of time in history, you could see disciples of Selune and Shar fight side-by-side. To this day, folks still insist this story is fictitious, merely Diet propaganda. By 1402 AC, the entirety of Madrinada was absorbed; thus, ending the long period of strife that land had subjected to.   The creation of such a state obviously sent ripples among its border partners. Toussaint and Varangia immediately cracked down on the autonomy of its Temples (fearing collusion and unrest) and militarized their borders. Yet, it was here the Diet demonstrated its strength; craftily, and shrewdly easing tensions with its neighbors. The treaties of Dijoneux and Menosca solidified the du Jure borders between the entities, and Cordiboya reaffirmed their Diets strict independence from religious entities existing outside Madrinada.   Madrinada has been quite interventionist throughout. In 1421 AC, The Diet Sent Madrinada Temple Guard detachments to Primrose to support their efforts in overcoming Krex Weiberknochen during The Rampage of the False-Emperor . It has maintained a permanent garrison in Dijoneux to help the defense of the city against the threat of the The Great Cataclysm of the Darnelles . And has been a key force in helping prop up Rethwess IV of Perthmurn's claim to Varangia .
Title: The Serene Madrinada
Established: 1388 AC
Captial: Cordiboya
Current Ruler: Eladio Rimyso Priest of Oghma, Head Minister of the Cordiboya Diet


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