Torm, God of Humanity, Adventure, Courage and Heroism in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Torm, God of Humanity, Adventure, Courage and Heroism


Once a mortal, Torm is one of the ascended gods, and as such, worshipped as the God of Humanity. Torm achieved his godhood by undertaking great quests on behalf of the gods of the Pantheon.  


Torm is an inspiration for any who are full of wanderlust or the desire to achieve something greater than themselves. The worship of Torm is ubiquitous throughout Terrania, as many young folk grow up idolizing the exploits of him and his heroes. His statue can be found at the heart of just about every city in the land. He is a favored deity of many Acatus Consortium members and followers complete great deeds to honor his name, and encourage everyone to follow his path. There are numerous small shrines called Bastions dedicated to Torm. The Lionhearts work to maintain the facilities and offer guidance to those seeking to emulate Torm. The Lionhearts are usually older individuals that spent a life in pursuit of way of Torm. The Great Paladin Order, The Sanctus Leo Eques (The Holy Lion Knights), headquartered in Menosca, Serene Madrinada is Torm’s greatest champion. Their cohorts ride out into the world on their magnificent steeds to carry out grand pilgrimages of honor and renown.  


Torm was the son of Sigmar; the 1st human born of a human, in this realm; and grandson of Kelemvor, God of Death . Savras bestowed upon him a mark of greatness, as he foresaw the service Torm would commitee to in his mortal life and beyond. He spent his youth achieve great act of heroism and bravery, undertaking quests that took him all over Terrania. he often times fought against the agents of the The Condemned Gods of Terrania , which unbeknownst to everyone, where planning The Shattering.   One of the precursor events to the Shattering was the slaying of Sigmar by the Champion of Baal; Scarbrandin. The Condemned gods hoped that without the guidance of the Great Emperor of the 1st Humans, they could be easily manipulated against the Pantheon. However, this was thwarted by Torm, who quickly took up the mantle of his father, rallying the humans against the agents of the Condemned Gods. He subsequently led a campaign against the sycophants of the Condemned Gods, significantly diminishing their power and influence in the mortal world. Torm's bravery, courage and leadership helped usher humans through the tumultuous period where the world around them was seemingly crumbling. As a result, humans in Terrania began worshipping Torm as a man among the gods. Seeing his power and ferocity he wielded against their enemies, the Pantheon ascended Torm, giving him the power to slay the condemned gods he fought against. In the climactic battle of the Shattering, Torm slew Baal effectively ending the conflict.  


Torm is symbolized the Lion's Head of his lion companion, Valten. In Torm youth he helped purge a great evil within the forests of Mielikki, Goddess of Nature and Forests . During that adventure, he and Silvanus, God of Wild Nature and the Hunt became deep and close friends. In thanks, Silvanus granted Torm the lion cub Valten. Valten would grow up to embody everything Torm represented, Heroism, Courage and Steadfastness. The two were never apart. Their companionship is to represent the shared existence humans and animals have on this plane and should strive for co-existence and cooperation.


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