The Heroes of Otrin

The Heroes of Otrin are the six Adventurers who saved Otrin from the Necromancer Abraxus Avozz and the Dragon Cult of Dramillion before facing the Dragon Dramillion himself and winning in the Mountains of Despair.

For their efforts they were raised to the landed gentry and were given estates and a tidy sum of a thousand silver each to get them started.

They set up house and promptly left Otrin. They were last seen headed North from Tamalir.


  • Staff
  • Spellbook
  • Axe of Cleaving
  • Elven Bow
  • Staff of Light
  • Crossbow of Flames
  • Magical Birch Lute
  • Bow of Thorns
  • Ring of Power
  • Marsh Cloak
  • Inscribed Robes
  • Bone Staff
  • Storm Orb
  • Type
    Adventuring Party


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