Fort Rodric

Constructed following the Dragon Wars to honor the hero who is its namesake, this fortress has never been taken by force, nor even attacked. After long years of peace, the garrison at Fort Rodric is severely undermanned. Yet, this fortress is of vital importance to guard the route past the Broken Crags against invasion from the east.

To curb the actions of monsters from the Ashen hills into his lands of the Velvet Plains, Baron Trevalyan has sent mercenary forces from his lands to Fort Rodric many times over recent years, knowing that his lands depend on that fort holding the area south of the Broken Crags. Messengers on swift horses frequently cross that ever softening border between Otrin and Pelgate near Fort Rodric and most treat it as a matter of custom and tradition rather than a firm boundary between Daqan Lords.

Purpose / Function

To secure the Velvet Plains, Ashen Hills and Broken Crags against monsters and marauders of all sorts.
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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