Western Terrinoth

The west is the birthplace of modern Terrinoth, the place from which civilization as its people know it flourished. This region is home to numerous ancient ruins and castles, the legacy of the Elder Kings and those who came before. It is here that the monument city of Archaut sits, the capital of the Daqan Lords and undisputed seat of power in Terrinoth. It is here the Council of Thirteen meets each year to discuss and deliberate matters of the realm. It is also here that the black chair of Waiqar the Betrayer rests, a constant reminder to the other barons of the insidious lure of darkness, and of the grief that awaits them down that path.

All around the countryside, ruins, temples, and piles of rubble stand as reminders of what was, and what might be. Few look upon these with sadness, however, for they have stood so long that they are practically a part of the natural scenery. Children play amongst pillars that once held up marble ceilings, and the villagers make good use of the excellent stonework, sometimes building their own cottages and houses around it. Perhaps if not for superstitious aversion, all the ruins of Terrinoth would have been torn down to raise the walls of new farmsteads and hill forts. The Humans of Terrinoth are nothing if not resilient, and it shows in the fact that, at the very least, the crumbling foundations are still visible. One might stand in the center of such a foundation and imagine where the lord or lady might have sat when listening to their subjects, so long ago.

The west is a fertile, green place, full of low valleys and placid hills. Sweeping plains, like Kellos’s Breath, give this part of Terrinoth a flat aspect, and it is relatively safe from the depredations of the undead to the north and the stranger, unnatural enemies to the east, and insulated even from the tensions with the Elves of the Aymhelin. Of all the regions in Terrinoth, the west has most grown content with the way of things, and lax in its vigilance and defense.

Western Terrinoth often has favorable weather, with clear skies almost year round, and a healthy, wholesome atmosphere. Only on rare occasions do sea storms, great swirling vortexes of shearing winds, come ashore as a threat. When they do, the effects are devastating—uprooting whole villages and depositing cattle herds hundreds of leagues away from their ranchers. The land of western Terrinoth is also much beloved by horsemen, who find the terrain excellent for coursers and the thrill of a swift gallop. Several notable rivers also provide for travel and trade from end of the continent to the other. Wealth still flows from the west into opulent Tamalir, drawn on gentle currents and across placid lakes.

Still, there is a wild side to this land. Small towns and farmsteads are welcome sights for weary hunters and traders alike, but much of the land is rugged and untamed. Outside the farms and fields, fierce beasts, strange creatures, vicious goblins, and worse lurk and wait for unwary travelers. With each passing year, unfortunately, these monsters grow more brazen, encroaching on the tilled fields and outposts of civilization.

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