
The lands of Telor begin just beyond the walls of Archaut and extend to the Kingless Coast, encompassing both the northern edge of Eventide Forest and the southern portion of the Greatwood. Telor’s greatest feature is its coast, the largest extent of civilized coast in Terrinoth. Unique among the baronies, Telor maintains a small naval fleet to deal with pirates and other seaborne threats.

Telor’s most prosperous city is Jendra’s Harbor, seated on the southern side of the Kingless Bay, where the river of Korina’s Tears meets the sea. The port at Jendra’s Harbor is one of the few reliable for ships arriving from across the sea, and the city hosts travelers from Lorimor and as far as Al Kalim. The port serves as a departure point for ships sailing to the Torue Albes and even the occasional explorer bound for Zanaga.

Though Baron Echard rules Telor, Countess Sela’s stewardship of Jenda's Harbor has granted her greater influence throughout Terrinoth and beyond. This is of no small frustration to Echard, who grows bitter as he frets away his days in the crumbling halls of Grandor’s Hold. Sela, meanwhile, continues to cultivate relationships with earls and barons from across Terrinoth, merchants and princes from across the sea, and even the Empress of Lorimor.

Although Telor benefits greatly from Jendra’s Harbor, its position on the Kingless Coast invites no shortage of troubles as well. Even as wealth and trade flows through the port, so do cursed artifacts, mysterious priests, and wicked things that conceal their nature under long cloaks and deep hoods. While Jendra’s Harbor remains as busy as ever, many of the smaller ports and villages along the coast lie abandoned and half-ruined. Some of these are the results of fierce storms, others the victims of ravening merriods and horrid creatures of the deep. Even the lighthouse of Calem’s Peak is said to be haunted by the spirits of its mad keeper and his many victims.

Geopolitical, Barony
Leader Title
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